
2012-05-24 刘纯 生物谷

一项针对黑色素瘤中常见基因突变的实验性药物研究证实,药物dabrafenib成功地缩小了发生脑转移的黑色素瘤患者的肿瘤病灶,有效率达90%。这项国际临床I期药物试验研究发表在5月18日的国际著名杂志《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)上。 BRAF基因编码丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶B-Raf,与细胞生长调控密切相关。在黑色素瘤中,BRAF常常突变引发细胞生长调控紊乱。Dabrafenib针对突变型BR

一项针对黑色素瘤中常见基因突变的实验性药物研究证实,药物dabrafenib成功地缩小了发生脑转移的黑色素瘤患者的肿瘤病灶,有效率达90%。这项国际临床I期药物试验研究发表在5月18日的国际著名杂志《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)上。

BRAF基因编码丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶B-Raf,与细胞生长调控密切相关。在黑色素瘤中,BRAF常常突变引发细胞生长调控紊乱。Dabrafenib针对突变型BRAF--Val600 BRAF发挥作用。

为了证实其安全性和耐受性,并为II期临床试验提供剂量参考,研究者招募了184名实体肿瘤患者进行试验,其中156名具有转移性黑色素瘤。根据加速剂量滴定法(accelerated dose titration method),经过系统的Dabrafenib治疗,研究者未发现因药物副作用终止治疗和死亡的病例。而且,Dabrafenib还对BRAF突变型的其他实体肿瘤如:胃肠实体瘤,非小细胞肺癌,卵巢癌等也有明显的抗癌作用。



Dabrafenib in patients with melanoma, untreated brain metastases, and other solid tumours: a phase 1 dose-escalation trial

Original TextDr Gerald S Falchook MD , Georgina V Long PhD , Prof Razelle Kurzrock MD , Kevin B Kim MD , Tobias H Arkenau PhD e, Michael P Brown PhD f, Omid Hamid MD , Jeffrey R Infante MD , Michael Millward MD i j, Anna C Pavlick MD , Steven J O’Day MD g, Samuel C Blackman PhD , C Martin Curtis BA l, Peter Lebowitz PhD , Bo Ma PhD , Daniele Ouellet PhD l, Prof Richard F Kefford PhD


Dabrafenib is an inhibitor of BRAF kinase that is selective for mutant BRAF. We aimed to assess its safety and tolerability and to establish a recommended phase 2 dose in patients with incurable solid tumours, especially those with melanoma and untreated, asymptomatic brain metastases.


We undertook a phase 1 trial between May 27, 2009, and March 20, 2012, at eight study centres in Australia and the USA. Eligible patients had incurable solid tumours, were 18 years or older, and had adequate organ function. BRAF mutations were mandatory for inclusion later in the study because of an absence of activity in patients with wild-type BRAF. We used an accelerated dose titration method, with the first dose cohort receiving 12 mg dabrafenib daily in a 21-day cycle. Once doses had been established, we expanded the cohorts to include up to 20 patients. On the basis of initial data, we chose a recommended phase 2 dose. Efficacy at the recommended phase 2 dose was studied in patients with BRAF-mutant tumours, including those with non-Val600Glu mutations, in three cohorts: metastatic melanoma, melanoma with untreated brain metastases, and non-melanoma solid tumours. This study is registered with, number NCT00880321.


We enrolled 184 patients, of whom 156 had metastatic melanoma. The most common treatment-related adverse events of grade 2 or worse were cutaneous squamous-cell carcinoma (20 patients, 11%), fatigue (14, 8%), and pyrexia (11, 6%). Dose reductions were necessary in 13 (7%) patients. No deaths or discontinuations resulted from adverse events, and 140 (76%) patients had no treatment-related adverse events worse than grade 2. Doses were increased to 300 mg twice daily, with no maximum tolerated dose recorded. On the basis of safety, pharmacokinetic, and response data, we selected a recommended phase 2 dose of 150 mg twice daily. At the recommended phase 2 dose in 36 patients with Val600 BRAF-mutant melanoma, responses were reported in 25 (69%, 95% CI 51·9—83·7) and confirmed responses in 18 (50%, 32·9—67·1). 21 (78%, 57·7—91·4) of 27 patients with Val600Glu BRAF-mutant melanoma responded and 15 (56%, 35·3—74·5) had a confirmed response. In Val600 BRAF-mutant melanoma, responses were durable, with 17 patients (47%) on treatment for more than 6 months. Responses were recorded in patients with non-Val600Glu BRAF mutations. In patients with melanoma and untreated brain metastases, nine of ten patients had reductions in size of brain lesions. In 28 patients with BRAF-mutant non-melanoma solid tumours, apparent antitumour activity was noted in a gastrointestinal stromal tumour, papillary thyroid cancers, non-small-cell lung cancer, ovarian cancer, and colorectal cancer.


Dabrafenib is safe in patients with solid tumours, and an active inhibitor of Val600-mutant BRAF with responses noted in patients with melanoma, brain metastases, and other solid tumours.



评论区 (6)


Cancer cell:基底样乳腺癌的新组合治疗策略

多个研究项目包括2006年北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校进行的研究已采用DNA芯片分析技术,找出了几个乳腺癌亚型包括管状A型(luminal A)、管状B型,(luminal B)、基底样型和Her-2过度表达型。目前正在开发较简单的测试技术,以帮助医生确定这些亚型。近来,这些测试技术已帮助多项研究证实了基底样或三阴性乳腺癌可能在非裔美国人比白种人更流行更普遍。 UNC莱恩伯格科学家Charles


含叶酸食品或许可减少最常见的肾细胞癌症类型和一种儿童脑肿瘤癌症类型的发病率,由美国明尼苏达大学博士后研究员Kimberly J. Johnson博士带领完成的一项研究证实了这一观点。 自1998年以来,FDA已责成推广含叶酸食物,因为早先的研究已经表明产前孕妇消耗叶酸的话能显著降低婴儿神经管缺陷的发病率。 Johnson表示:这项研究是迄今为止规模最大的相关研究,研究证实了叶酸也可以降低美国儿


乳腺癌干细胞的分子特征,图片来自互动百科。 癌症起源于人体内一些发生突变的细胞,而且随后其中一些不断发生突变,导致逃避体内免疫系统的监控,同时不受控制地生长。如今,癌症已经成为人类面临着的一大灾难。更令人讨厌的是,癌症病人经过常规的化疗和放疗治疗之后,常常会复发,而且造成的危害更加严重。鉴于此,科学家们提出癌干细胞是造成癌症转移和复发的根本原因。但是,对于癌干细胞是否存在,科学界一直存在争议。然



Gastroenterology :鱼类脂肪酸或可降低肝癌风险

近日,6月刊的《胃肠病学》(Gastroenterology )发表的一项以人口为基础的日本成人研究显示,食用富含n-3多不饱和脂肪酸(n-3 PUFA)的鱼类以及二十碳五烯酸(EPA)、二十二碳五烯酸(DPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)等n-3 PUFA与肝细胞癌(HCC)发生风险呈剂量依赖性负相关。 长期以来,食用n-3 PUFA被认为可降低多种癌症的发生风险,但对肝癌预防作用的专门研究报道

Cancer Cell:S1PR1-STAT3激活促进骨髓样细胞的促肿瘤转移作用

近来研究表明,骨髓样细胞可使远处器官易于接受扩散肿瘤细胞的集落形成。然而,其具体机制一直不明。5月14日Cancer Cell报道了Hua Yu研究组的论文"S1PR1-STAT3 Signaling Is Crucial for Myeloid Cell Colonization at Future Metastatic Sites"揭示了其分子机制。   研究者发现,在肿瘤细胞中