汤森路透:药业新闻大事件 — 美国大选后FDA将面临重大变革?

2014-11-13 佚名 汤森路透

  汤森路透走访多位相关人士后做出相关报道: 随着国会权利在两党间的交替以及21th Century Cures Initiative的巨大推动力,势必使FDA在2015年作出重大变革。 关于Cures改革的讨论草案,预计会在一月份推出,很可能会改变药物和设备开发流程,这会导致综合立法在今年晚些时候通过,Latham & Watkins’医疗保健和生命科学实践的合作



随着国会权利在两党间的交替以及21th Century Cures Initiative的巨大推动力,势必使FDA在2015年作出重大变革。

关于Cures改革的讨论草案,预计会在一月份推出,很可能会改变药物和设备开发流程,这会导致综合立法在今年晚些时候通过,Latham & Watkins’医疗保健和生命科学实践的合作伙伴和国际联合主席John Manthei说。



A shift in congressional power, coupled with the momentum being built by the 21st Century Cures Initiative, is set to deliver significant changes to the FDA in 2015.

A discussion draft of the Cures reforms, which is likely to change the drug and device development process, is expected to be rolled out in January, leading to the passage of comprehensive legislation later in the year, said John Manthei, partner and global co-chair of Latham & Watkins’ health care and life sciences practice.

“This will be an ambitious undertaking,” he said of the Cures initiative. “I think the energy from both the Republicans and Democrats is there.” The initiative has enjoyed strong bipartisan support in the House Energy and Commerce (E&C) Committee, as well as in its health Subcommittee.

As a result of that support, Manthei predicted 2015 will see the broadest scope of FDA reforms ever for a year in which Congress isn’t re-authorizing the five-year drug and devICE user fee package.

Along with those reforms, Manthei expects the Republican-controlled Congress to exercise more oversight of the FDA, seeking greater transparency, predictability and accountability in the agency’s dealings with industry and in its handling of resources.

Even before the Republicans gained control of the Senate and increased their hold on the House in Tuesday’s election, the House and Senate committees that deal largely with FDA issues were facing some leadership changes in the 114th Congress, which will be seated in January.

Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), long-time chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, is retiring this year. With the Republicans at the helm, Manthei expects Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), the ranking member, to be named the new chairman. Much of Harkins’ staff, with its institutional memory of all things FDA, also is expected to stay.

The committee’s only election night casualty was Sen. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.), who narrowly lost to Republican Thom Tillis. Of course, when the new Congress takes office, some HELP members may be reassigned to different committees.

On the House side, Rep. fred Upton (R-Mich.), who is co-sponsoring the Cures initiative along with Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.), will retain his E&C chairmanship, and Rep. Joe Pitts (R-Pa.) is likely to remain as chairman of the Health Subcommittee.

On the Democrat side, Reps. Frank Pallone (N.J.) and Anna Eshoo (Calif.) are battling for the E&C ranking member seat that’s being vacated by the retirement of Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.). Pallone, the current ranking member of the Health Subcommittee, is in line for the leadership seat in terms of seniority, but House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is expected to campaign for Eshoo, Manthei said.

In addition to vacating his E&C spot, Waxman’s retirement will be felt in the Health Subcommittee, where he has been an active voice. Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.) also is retiring. Adding to their loss will be the departure of their experienced staff, Manthei said.

Several other seats on the Health Subcommittee will be up for grabs in the new Congress. Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), a doctor who has been an insightful and vocal member of the subcommittee, gave up his House seat to challenge Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.). Republican members Mike Rogers (Mich.) and Phil Gingrey (Ga.) didn’t run for re-election, and Rep. John Barrow (D-Ga.) was defeated in his re-election bid.(生物谷Bioon.com)


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  1. 2014-11-27 jawel





美国FDA表示,艾伯维节段性回肠炎(克罗恩氏病)治疗药物阿达木单抗(修美乐)现在可用来治疗6岁大小的患者,而它的这种用途两年前已在欧洲获得批准。阿达木单抗在美国作为二线治疗药物已获批用于糖皮质激素或免疫抑制剂如氨甲蝶呤等药物治疗失败的儿科节段性回肠炎。 这款药物通过皮下给药,据艾伯提供的信息,阿达木单抗是首款也是唯一获批用于这类患者人群的生物治疗药物,并且患者可在家自行使用。强生的英夫利昔单抗已


今天FDA同时批准了罗氏的纤维化抑制剂Pirfenidone(商品名Esbriet)和BI的多蛋白激酶抑制剂Nintedanib(商品名Ofev)用于治疗特发性肺纤维化,比预定的PDUFA日期提前很多(Esbriet的PDUFA为11月23日,Ofev的PDUFA为2015年1月2日),显示FDA对于重要药物的审批效率。特发性肺纤维化患者则有望结束无药可用的时代。 特发性肺纤维化的英文为Id


FDA专家委员会在评估更新资料之后,推荐保留戒烟药伐尼克兰(varenicline)黑框警告。 自2006年获批用于辅助戒烟,varenicline即与自杀念头和行为以及攻击/无理行为等严重神经心理学事件具有相关性。FDA因而于2009年设置黑框警示强调上述风险。 观察性研究和生产商辉瑞赞助的荟萃分析提示,自杀行为风险低于初始预期。辉瑞公司于上个月申请FDA对varenicline黑框警示再次


美国食品和药物管理局于10月15日批准了Ofev(nintedanib)对于特发性肺纤维化(IPE)的治疗。 特发性肺纤维化是一种肺部随时间逐步瘢痕化的疾病。这将导致患有IPF的患者出现呼吸短促、咳嗽的症状,并且难以参加日常体育活动。现有的IPF疗法包括氧气疗法、肺康复和肺移植。 “今天对于Ofev的批准增加了患有特发性肺纤维化这种严重慢性疾病的患者的可用治疗选择”,FDA药物评价


  1997年秋天,FDA历史上贡献最大的局长大卫·凯斯勒正式卸任,与首任局长韦利的毁誉参半晚节不保相比,他退休前获得了国家科学院的公共福利奖章,这应该算得上是急流勇退。 在他6年任期里,被公认为最成功的局长,尤其是《审批处方药付费法案》的出台,使得制药业和FDA的矛盾冲突得以缓解,美国药品审批的速度也逐步成为世界第一,但是,在凯斯勒离任之后,一场因药品审批过快而引发的危机迅


2004年,美国FDA针对抗抑制药物发布一项黑框警告,指出这些药物与年轻人自杀想法、感觉及行为的风险增加相关。FDA的决定立即引起争议,好多医疗社区成员担心这一警告弊大于利,因为它将使抑郁症患者失去寻求帮助的勇气,阻止医生在临床上使用抗抑郁药物。 现在,也就是黑框警告发布10年之后,有相当多的流行病学数据可以解决这些重要的问题。FDA黑框警告对抑郁症的诊断与治疗率造成了什么影响呢?有