
2013-04-29 晓东 编译 医学论坛网

  近日发表在《新英格兰医学杂志》(NEJM)上的一项研究表明,1999年-2010年美国糖尿病患者降糖达标率提高了8%,将近12%的患者降压达标,21%的患者LDL胆固醇水平降低。然而33%-49%的患者未能降糖达标,每5例糖尿病患者中就有1例未能戒烟。   研究主要负责人Mohammed Ali医生表示,全美患者对糖尿病的阻击取得了缓慢而有成效的进展。 与糖尿病相关的拓展阅读:


  研究主要负责人Mohammed Ali医生表示,全美患者对糖尿病的阻击取得了缓慢而有成效的进展。


Achievement of Goals in U.S. Diabetes Care, 1999–2010
Tracking national progress in diabetes care may aid in the evaluation of past efforts and identify residual gaps in care.
We analyzed data for adults with self-reported diabetes from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System to examine risk-factor control, preventive practices, and risk scores for coronary heart disease over the 1999–2010 period.
From 1999 through 2010, the weighted proportion of survey participants who met recommended goals for diabetes care increased, by 7.9 percentage points (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.8 to 15.0) for glycemic control (glycated hemoglobin level <7.0%), 9.4 percentage points (95% CI, 3.0 to 15.8) for individualized glycemic targets, 11.7 percentage points (95% CI, 5.7 to 17.7) for blood pressure (target, <130/80 mm Hg), and 20.8 percentage points (95% CI, 11.6 to 30.0) for lipid levels (target level of low-density lipoprotein [LDL] cholesterol, <100 mg per deciliter [2.6 mmol per liter]). Tobacco use did not change significantly, but the 10-year probability of coronary heart disease decreased by 2.8 to 3.7 percentage points. However, 33.4 to 48.7% of persons with diabetes still did not meet the targets for glycemic control, blood pressure, or LDL cholesterol level. Only 14.3% met the targets for all three of these measures and for tobacco use. Adherence to the recommendations for annual eye and dental examinations was unchanged, but annual lipid-level measurement and foot examination increased by 5.5 percentage points (95% CI, 1.6 to 9.4) and 6.8 percentage points (95% CI, 4.8 to 8.8), respectively. Annual vaccination for influenza and receipt of pneumococcal vaccination for participants 65 years of age or older rose by 4.5 percentage points (95% CI, 0.8 to 8.2) and 6.9 percentage points (95% CI, 3.4 to 10.4), respectively, and daily glucose monitoring increased by 12.7 percentage points (95% CI, 10.3 to 15.1).
Although there were improvements in risk-factor control and adherence to preventive practices from 1999 to 2010, tobacco use remained high, and almost half of U.S. adults with diabetes did not meet the recommended goals for diabetes care.

作者:晓东 编译



Eur J Prev Cardiol:生活方式干预延缓抑郁症状进展

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PLoS Med:先兆子痫是糖尿病发病危险因素

  加拿大一项研究表明,对于无妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)、有先兆子痫(PEC)和(或)妊娠期高血压(GH)的女性,在随访至产后16.5年时,其糖尿病发生风险增加了2倍。与仅有GDM者相比,同时患有GDM、PEC和(或)GH者的糖尿病发生风险显著增加。该论文4月16日在线发表于《公共科学图书馆·医学》(PLoS Med)杂志。   该回顾性研究纳入1994年4月至2008年3月期间在加拿大安


  《新英格兰医学杂志》4月25日在线发表的一项研究显示,自1999年以来,成人糖尿病治疗在依从预防措施和控制糖尿病并发症危险因素方面取得了明显进展。然而,仍有半数的患者未达到血糖控制、血压和血脂控制目标,并且半数患者表示未接受过糖尿病教育、常被忽视而未接受推荐的每年1次的疫苗接种、牙科检查和眼部检查(N. Engl. J. Med. 2013;368:16

Diabetes Care:ADA与ENDO低血糖共识

    低血糖对糖尿病患者产生的影响一直以来广受关注,美国糖尿病学会(ADA)和美国内分泌学会(ENDO)对既往与新进证据进行回顾,并于近日公布一份共识文件Hypoglycemia and Diabetes: A Report of aWorkgroup of the American Diabetes Association and The Endocrine Society。