
2012-08-14 T.Shen 生物谷

一种廉价便利的阿尔兹海默症检测法在未来几年内即将出现,刊登在8月份的国际杂志Neurology上的研究报告中,研究者开发出了一种新型的阿尔兹海默氏症血液检测法,新型方法可以在三组独立病人组中进行统计学分析。 研究者William表示,重复最初结果的安全性和失败是这项领域最大的挑战,在这里我们阐述了这种一致性发现的可能性。 来自宾夕法尼亚大学和华盛顿大学的研究者合作,测定了体系统600个研究







编译自:Blood test for Alzheimer's coming soon?


Plasma multianalyte profiling in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease

William T. Hu, MD, PhD, David M. Holtzman, MD, Anne M. Fagan, PhD, Leslie M. Shaw, PhD, Richard Perrin, MD, PhD, Steven E. Arnold, MD, PhD, Murray Grossman, MD, Chengjie Xiong, PhD, Rebecca Craig-Schapiro, PhD, Christopher M. Clark, MD†, Eve Pickering, PhD, Max Kuhn, PhD, Yu Chen, PhD, Vivianna M. Van Deerlin, MD, PhD, Leo McCluskey, MD, MBE, Lauren Elman, MD, Jason Karlawish, MD, Alice Chen-Plotkin, MD, Howard I. Hurtig, MD, Andrew Siderowf, MD, Frank Swenson, PhD, Virginia M.-Y. Lee, PhD, MBA, John C. Morris, MD, John Q. Trojanowski, MD, PhD and Holly Soares, PhD For the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative

Objectives: While plasma biomarkers have been proposed to aid in the clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer disease (AD), few biomarkers have been validated in independent patient cohorts. Here we aim to determine plasma biomarkers associated with AD in 2 independent cohorts and validate the findings in the multicenter Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Methods: Using a targeted proteomic approach, we measured levels of 190 plasma proteins and peptides in 600 participants from 2 independent centers (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Washington University, St. Louis, MO), and identified 17 analytes associated with the diagnosis of very mild dementia/mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or AD. Four analytes (apoE, B-type natriuretic peptide, C-reactive protein, pancreatic polypeptide) were also found to be altered in clinical MCI/AD in the ADNI cohort (n = 566). Regression analysis showed CSF Aβ42 levels and t-tau/Aβ42 ratios to correlate with the number of APOE4 alleles and plasma levels of B-type natriuretic peptide and pancreatic polypeptide. Conclusion: Four plasma analytes were consistently associated with the diagnosis of very mild dementia/MCI/AD in 3 independent clinical cohorts. These plasma biomarkers may predict underlying AD through their association with CSF AD biomarkers, and the association between plasma and CSF amyloid biomarkers needs to be confirmed in a prospective study.



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Nat Med.:铁离子异常沉积与老年痴呆症有关

近日,在《自然医学》(Nature Medicine)上刊登的一项研究成果表明,墨尔本大学的研究人员发现了异常金属元素在脑内的沉积直接参与了阿尔兹海默氏症和帕金森氏症的发病过程,并且在动物模型上证明以异常铁离子为靶点的药物可以有效预防这类疾病。 文章第一作者、墨尔本大学博士生雷鹏和他的同事发现,在阿尔兹海默氏症和帕金森氏症发病过程中扮演重要作用的tau蛋白间接参与了脑内神经细胞的铁离子的转运