Diabetes Care:老年患者血压和冠心病风险呈负相关

2013-05-22 高晓方 译 医学论坛网

  美国一项研究表明,血压和冠心病风险之间存在U型相关或负相关,激进的血压控制(aggressive blood pressure control ,<120/70 mmHg)与冠心病风险升高具有相关性。论文5月20日在线发表于《糖尿病护理》(Diabetes Care)。   此项前瞻性队列研究共纳入17536例非洲裔美国人和12618例白人糖尿病患者。利用Cox比例

  美国一项研究表明,血压和冠心病风险之间存在U型相关或负相关,激进的血压控制(aggressive blood pressure control ,<120/70 mmHg)与冠心病风险升高具有相关性。论文5月20日在线发表于《糖尿病护理》(Diabetes Care)。


  结果显示,在平均6.0年随访期间共确认7260例冠心病偶发病例。在非洲裔美国人糖尿病患者中,与不同基线收缩/舒张压水平[<110/65、110~119/65~69、120~129/70~80和130~139/80~90 mmHg(参照组);140–159/90–100和≥160/100 mmHg]相关的冠心病多变量校正危险比分别为1.73、1.16、1.04、1.00、1.06和1.11;在白人糖尿病患者则分别为1.60、1.27、1.08、1.00、0.95和0.99。在两组人群中均可观察到基线时孤立收缩和舒张压以及随访期间血压与冠心病风险的U型相关。在较为年轻的人群中(30~49岁)中存在上述U型相关,在老年人群中(≥60岁)则转换为负相关。

Aggressive Blood Pressure Control Increases Coronary Heart Disease Risk Among Diabetic Patients
Blood pressure control can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) among diabetic patients; however, it is not known whether the lowest risk of CHD is among diabetic patients with the lowest blood pressure level.
We performed a prospective cohort study (2000–2009) on diabetic patients including 17,536 African American and 12,618 white. Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to estimate the association of blood pressure with CHD risk.
During a mean follow-up of 6.0 years, 7,260 CHD incident cases were identified. The multivariable-adjusted hazard ratios of CHD associated with different levels of systolic/diastolic blood pressure at baseline (<110/65, 110–119/65–69, 120–129/70–80, and 130–139/80–90 mmHg [reference group]; 140–159/90–100; and ≥160/100 mmHg) were 1.73, 1.16, 1.04, 1.00, 1.06, and 1.11 (P trend <0.001), respectively, for African American diabetic patients, and 1.60, 1.27, 1.08, 1.00, 0.95, and 0.99 (P trend<0.001) for white diabetic patients, respectively. A U-shaped association of isolated systolic and diastolic blood pressure at baseline as well as blood pressure during follow-up with CHD risk was observed among both African American and white diabetic patients (all P trend <0.001). The U-shaped association was present in the younger age-group (30–49 years), and this U-shaped association changed to an inverse association in the older age-group (≥60 years).
Our study suggests that there is a U-shaped or inverse association between blood pressure and the risk of CHD, and aggressive blood pressure control (blood pressure <120/70 mmHg) is associated with an increased risk of CHD among both African American and white patients with diabetes.

作者:高晓方 译

评论区 (5)



  重要事实全世界有3.47亿人患有糖尿病。2004年,估计有340万人死于高血糖引起的后果。超过80%的糖尿病死亡发生在低收入和中等收入国家。据世卫组织预测,2005至2030年期间糖尿病死亡数将增加一倍。健康饮食、经常锻炼身体、保持正常体重和避免使用烟草,可预防或推迟二型糖尿病发病。什么是糖尿病?   糖尿病是一种慢性疾病,当胰腺产生不了足够的胰岛素或者人体无法有效地利用所产生的胰岛素时,就