
2012-12-10 Beyond 生物谷

  在美国大约有250,000人患有肌营养不良症,三年前,密苏里州大学科学家们发现了一个分子化合物,对治疗疾病是至关重要的,但他们不知道如何使化合物结合肌肉细胞。在一项新的发表在PNAS杂志上的研究中,MU学校医学院科学家Yi Lai和Dongsheng Duan已经解决了部分难题,最终可能导致出现潜在的治疗疾病策略。   杜氏进行性肌营养不良症(DMD)主要影响男性,是最常

  在美国大约有250,000人患有肌营养不良症,三年前,密苏里州大学科学家们发现了一个分子化合物,对治疗疾病是至关重要的,但他们不知道如何使化合物结合肌肉细胞。在一项新的发表在PNAS杂志上的研究中,MU学校医学院科学家Yi Lai和Dongsheng Duan已经解决了部分难题,最终可能导致出现潜在的治疗疾病策略。

  杜氏进行性肌营养不良症(DMD)主要影响男性,是最常见的进行性肌营养不良症。 Duchenne型肌营养不良症患者有一个基因突变,破坏了抗肌萎缩蛋白的生成,抗肌萎缩蛋白是肌肉细胞存活和功能必不可少的一种蛋白质。缺乏抗肌萎缩蛋白启动连锁反应,最终导致肌肉细胞的变性和死亡。虽然抗肌萎缩蛋白对肌肉的发展是非常重要的,但该蛋白质也需要几个“帮手”,以保持肌肉组织正常。nNOS是这些“帮手”之一,能产生一氧化氮可以保持肌肉细胞运动后健康。





α2 and α3 helices of dystrophin R16 and R17 frame a microdomain in the α1 helix of dystrophin R17 for neuronal NOS binding


Homologous spectrin-like repeats can mediate specific protein interaction. The underlying mechanism is poorly understood. Dystrophin contains 24 spectrin-like repeats. However, only repeats 16 and 17 (R16/17) are required for anchoring neuronal NOS (nNOS) to the sarcolemma. Through an adeno-associated virus-based in vivo binding assay, we found that membrane expression of correctly phased R16/17 was sufficient to recruit nNOS to the sarcolemma in mouse muscle. Utrophin R15/16 is homologous to dystrophin R16/17. Substitution of dystrophin R16/17 microdomains with the corresponding regions of utrophin R15/16 suggests that the nNOS binding site is located in a 10-residue fragment in dystrophin R17 α1 helix. Interestingly, swapping this microdomain back into utrophin did not convey the nNOS binding activity. To identify other structural features that are required for nNOS interaction, we replaced an individual α-helix of dystrophin R16/17 with an equivalent α-helix from another dystrophin repeat. In vitro study with yeast two-hybrid suggests that most α-helices of R16/17, except for the R17 α1 helix, were dispensable for nNOS interaction. Surprisingly, in vivo binding assay showed that α2 and α3 helices of both R16 and R17 were essential for nNOS binding in muscle. We concluded that a microdomain in the α1 helix of dystrophin R17 binds to nNOS in a way uniquely defined by two pairs of the flanking helices. Our results provide an explanation for how structurally similar spectrin-like repeats in dystrophin display selective interaction with nNOS. The results also open new therapeutic avenues to restore defective nNOS homeostasis in dystrophin-null Duchenne muscular dystrophy.



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