Ann. Surg:抗反流手术后复发增加食管癌风险

2013-04-25 佚名 EGMN

  一项瑞典全国性数据库研究显示,抗反流手术后出现复发性反流的患者罹患食管腺癌的几率较手术成功患者增加2倍。   这项病例对照研究的数据来自瑞典癌症注册,共纳入1996~2006年间接受抗反流手术的295例患者,多数患者为男性(87%)。在7年随访期间,共有55例患者罹患食管腺癌。病例与对照人群的吸烟状况无显著差异(47% vs. 42%)。病例人群中的复发性反流较对照人群更常见,并具有统计学差


  这项病例对照研究的数据来自瑞典癌症注册,共纳入1996~2006年间接受抗反流手术的295例患者,多数患者为男性(87%)。在7年随访期间,共有55例患者罹患食管腺癌。病例与对照人群的吸烟状况无显著差异(47% vs. 42%)。病例人群中的复发性反流较对照人群更常见,并具有统计学差异(35% vs. 18%)。

  校正体重指数、吸烟状况和抗反流手术类型的多变量分析显示,复发性反流使之后发生食管腺癌的风险增加3倍。体重指数(BMI)超过25 kg/m2 也会增加风险,但无统计学意义[比值比(OR)为1.6;置信区间(CI)为0.8~3.5]。因BMI超过30 kg/m2 的患者很少,故无法进一步分析体重的影响。既往有吸烟史也会增加食道癌风险,但风险增高也无统计学意义(OR,1.4;CI,0.7~2.8)。与部分胃底折叠术相比,360度胃底折叠术与癌症风险较低相关,但差异也无统计学意义(OR,0.6;CI,0.3~1.3)。

  主要研究者、斯德哥尔摩市卡罗琳斯卡医学院的Hedvig E. Lofdahl医生认为,“这一发现至少能部分解释抗反流手术为何缺乏癌症预防效应。”该研究提示,当抗反流手术效果不佳时,严密观察可能是预防癌症的关键。该研究发表于4月份的《外科学年鉴》(Ann. Surg. 2013;257:579-82)。


Reflux after surgery increases risk of esophageal cancer
Patients who experience recurrent reflux despite surgical treatment are three times more likely to develop esophageal adenocarcinoma than are those who have a successful surgery.
The findings of a national database study suggest that careful observation may be key to prevention of cancer when antireflux surgery doesn’t deliver, reported Dr. Hedvig E. Lofdahl and colleagues. The study was published in the April issue of Annals of Surgery.
"From a clinical point of view, this study suggests that it might be valuable to carefully evaluate the result of the antireflux surgery, and consider the patients with recurrent GERD, particularly those with Barrett’s esophagus, for endoscopic surveillance," wrote Dr. Lofdahl of Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, and his coauthors (Ann. Surg. 2013;257:579-82).
The case-control study drew its data from the Swedish Cancer Register. It comprised 295 patients who underwent antireflux surgery from 1996 to 2006. Fifty-five of the patients developed an adenocarcinoma of the esophagus sometime during the 7-year follow-up period.
Most of the patients in the study were male (87%). Smoking status did not differ significantly between the cases and controls (47% vs.42%, respectively). Recurrent reflux was significantly more common among the cases than among the controls (35% vs. 18%).
The multivariate analysis controlled for body mass index, smoking, and the type of antireflux surgery. In the final adjusted model, recurrent reflux conferred a threefold increase in the risk of a later esophageal adenocarcinoma. A BMI of more than 25 kg/m2 also increased the risk, but not significantly (odds ratio [OR] 1.6; confidence interval [CI]: 0.8-3.5). There were not enough patients with a BMI of greater than 30 kg/m2 to further tease out the effect of weight.
Having ever smoked tobacco also increased the risk of esophageal cancer, but again, the increase was not statistically significant (OR 1.4; CI: 0.7-2.8).
Compared with a partial fundoplication, a total 360-degree fundoplication was associated with a lower risk of cancer, but the difference was not statistically significant (OR 0.6; CI: 0.3-1.3).
"This finding might at least partly explain the lack of cancer-preventive effect of antireflux surgery," the investigators wrote.
The study was supported by the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Cancer Society, and the Stockholm Cancer Society. None of the authors had financial disclosures.


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World J Surg:术中出血量影响食管癌患者生存

    肿瘤患者术后预后问题一直备受关注,肿瘤分期、手术彻底性和手术前后辅助治疗等是公认的影响术后预后的因素,而术中出血量对患者预后是否存在影响目前尚无定论。《世界外科杂志》[World J Surg 2012, 36(4): 844]发表的一项研究提示,在排除其他因素干扰后,术中出血量的大小对食管癌切除术后患者生存有显著影响,中位术中


  美国胃肠病学会2012年会中发表的一项研究表明,双膦酸盐(BPs)的应用与食管癌发病风险的增高并无相关性。   在骨质疏松症的预防和治疗中,口服BPs应用十分广泛,但当该药物片剂滞留食管内时可导致糜烂性食管炎。此前的一些研究表明,BP长期应用与食管癌患病风险增高存在相关关系,但对于该结论现今仍存在争议。   本研究的主讲人、来自佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔市的胃肠病学专家Saowanee Ngam


       近期,卫生部组织有关专家,结合我国医疗实际,先后制定了各项肿瘤相关的临床路径。        继胃癌治疗相关临床路径、结肠癌、直肠癌、乳腺癌相关临床路径发布之后,今又颁布了肺癌相关的:原发性肺癌手术、原发性肺癌内科治疗和原发性肺癌放射治疗3项临床路径,以及食管癌手术治疗、食管癌化疗和食管癌放射治疗等

Radiother Oncol:食道肿瘤患者应尽早放疗

        为了评估诊断性和治疗性FDG-PET扫描与早期肿瘤进展之间存在的关系,来自荷兰Groningen大学的Christina T. Muijs等进行了相关研究,其研究结果发表在Radiother Oncol 12月的期刊上。   研究共纳入了45名患者,所有的患者都接受了2次PET检查,第一次为入组时的PET检查,旨在应用

Radiother Oncol:N1小细胞食管癌治疗**放化疗

总体生存期预测因子单变量分析 肺外小细胞癌主要见于食管,原发性小细胞食管癌在所有食管癌中占了1.0-2.8%。本研究为回顾性研究,旨在评价手术联合化疗和放疗联合化疗对某些分期的小细胞食管癌(LSSCEC)患者的治疗效果和安全性。来自中国天津医科大学的Mao-Bin Meng等为了解决上述问题而进行了相关研究,他们的研究结果发表在Radiother Oncol 3月的在线期刊上。纳入本研究最后分析

Am J Gastroenterol:内镜切除术后食管癌转移率长期风险与浸润深度相关

  近日,来自日本大阪的研究人员Takeshi Yamashina发表论文,指出内镜切除术(ER)后远期转归为食管癌的治疗提供了重要信息。该研究旨在调查食管癌内镜切除术后的生存率和转移情况。研究指出,ER术后转移率的长期风险主要与癌症浸润深度相关。这种风险应该作为是否进行ER的适应证。该文发表在《美国胃肠病学杂志》(Am J Gastroenterol 20