
2012-01-22 MedSci MedSci原创

多形性成胶质细胞瘤,图片来自Keith A. Johnson (keith@bwh.harvard.edu)和J. Alex Becker (jabecker@mit.edu) 脑癌很难治疗:它不仅顽强抵抗大多数化疗,而且足够灵活地从放疗或手术位点迁移到他处导致癌症再生。如今美国科罗拉多大学癌症中心研究人员开展的这项新研究表明如何阻止这两者发生。 特别的是,癌细胞给它们自己发送存活、生长、

多形性成胶质细胞瘤,图片来自Keith A. Johnson (keith@bwh.harvard.edu)和J. Alex Becker (jabecker@mit.edu)



科罗拉多大学癌症中心研究员Amy Keating医学博士,也是这项发表在Oncogene期刊上新研究的通信作者,他说,“我早就认为这是治疗这种癌症的好方法,但是需要审核一下我们不会导致其他问题。我们想知道关闭TAM信号家族 (TAM family signaling)是否会使得脑癌细胞迁移到一个新位点---在那里它们可能产生新的问题。”



当前在美国,多形性成胶质细胞瘤(glioblastoma multiforme)每年影响45000个人,他们当中大多数人在确诊后不能存活14个月。



Mer receptor tyrosine kinase inhibition impedes glioblastoma multiforme migration and alters cellular morphology

A E J Rogers, J P Le, S Sather, B M Pernu, D K Graham, A M Pierce and A K Keating

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is an aggressive brain tumor, fatal within 1 year from diagnosis in most patients despite intensive multimodality therapy. The migratory and microscopically invasive nature of GBM as well as its resistance to chemotherapy renders conventional therapies inadequate in its treatment. Although Mer receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) inhibition has been shown to decrease the long-term survival and improve the chemosensitivity of GBM in vitro, its role in malignant cellular migration has not been previously evaluated. In this study, we report for the first time a role for Mer RTK in brain tumor migration and show that Mer inhibition profoundly impedes GBM migration and alters cellular morphology. Our data demonstrate that Mer RTK inhibition results in altered signaling through focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and RhoA GTPase and a transformation of cytoskeletal organization, suggesting both molecular and structural mechanisms for the abrogation of migration. We also describe a novel and translational method of Mer RTK inhibition using a newly developed monoclonal antibody, providing proof of principle for future evaluation of Mer-targeted translational therapies in the treatment of GBM. Previous findings implicating Mer signaling in glioblastoma survival and chemotherapy resistance coupled with our discovery of the role of Mer RTK in GBM cellular migration support the development of novel Mer-targeted therapies for this devastating disease.


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