ENDO 2013:meta分析显示德谷胰岛素不增加反复性低血糖风险

2013-07-02 MedSci MedSci原创

    第95届美国内分泌学会年会(ENDO2013)于2013年6月15-18日在美国旧金山隆重举行。大会旨在为内分泌领域研究人员提供最前沿的科学知识与技术,包括基础和临床研究。本次大会参会人数达9300位,创ENDO年会历史新高,共收到摘要约2600份,ENDO2013希望与会者能从中获得有价值的教育内容和发现新的有启发性的想法以促进临床实践。  一项比较德谷胰岛

  诺和诺德公司Thue Johansen博士在ENDO2013上,口头报告了本次研究结果。他和同事对5项比较每日1次德谷胰岛素(N =  2,262)和甘精胰岛素治疗(n =  1,110)2型糖尿病的3a期随机意向性治疗试验进行了荟萃分析。其中4项试验比较的是德谷胰岛素和甘精胰岛素联合口服降糖药治疗,另1项研究比较的是基础-  餐时治疗方案两种胰岛素联用餐时门冬胰岛素。反复发作的低血糖(血糖<56mg/dL或更严重)定义为24小时内发生低血糖2次。
  整个荟萃分析人群(德谷胰岛素/甘精胰岛素估计比率[ERR]:0.82,P = 0.09)或口服药人群(ERR:0.92,P  =0.70)中,2个胰岛素组反复性低血糖发生率的差异无统计学意义。然而,在基础-餐时试验中,德谷胰岛素反复性低血糖发生率较甘精胰岛素降低了27%(ERR:0.73,P  = 0.04)。


Rate of Recurrent Confirmed Hypoglycemia with Insulin Degludec vs.  Insulin Glargine in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Alan J Garber*1, Marc Evans2, Lars  Bardtrum3, Thue Johansen3 and Simon Heller4

1Baylor Coll of Med Faculty Ctr, Houston, TX,  2Llandough Hospital, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 3Novo  Nordisk A/S, Søborg, Denmark, 4University of Sheffield, Sheffield,  United Kingdom
Background Insulin degludec (IDeg) is a new basal insulin  with an ultra-long and stable glucose-lowering effect (>42 hours) with low  within-patient variability.

With any long-acting insulin there is a potential concern that an extended  action profile may increase the risk of recurrent hypoglycemia, which can lead  to hypoglycemia unawareness and a reduction in the counterregulatory response to  subsequent hypoglycemia. We have previously reported data from a prospective  meta-analysis of phase 3a trials that showed IDeg to be associated with  significantly lower rates of discrete episodes of confirmed hypoglycemia (by  17%) and nocturnal confirmed hypoglycemia (by 32%) vs. insulin glargine (IGlar)  in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D).
In this post-hoc meta-analysis of patients with T2D, we compared IDeg and  IGlar with respect to rates of recurrent confirmed hypoglycemia.

Methods The patient-level meta-analysis included all five  phase 3a, randomized, treat-to-target trials (26 or 52 week) in which once-daily  IDeg (n=2,262) and IGlar (n=1,110) have been compared in patients with T2D. All  trials were open-label. One trial (BB trial) compared IDeg with IGlar in  basal–bolus therapy with mealtime insulin aspart; all other trials compared IDeg  and IGlar in combination with oral antidiabetic therapy (BOT trials). BB and BOT  trials were analyzed independently. Recurrent confirmed hypoglycemia (PG <56  mg/dL or severe) was defined as pairs of episodes that occurred within 24 hours  of one another, and was analyzed using a negative binomial model.

Results Overall, 38% (IDeg) and 43% (IGlar) of patients  experienced recurrent hypoglycemia in the BB trial, compared with 6.1% (IDeg)  vs. 6.6% (IGlar) of patients in the four BOT trials combined.
No statistically significant difference in rates of recurrent confirmed  hypoglycemia were found between IDeg and IGlar for the overall meta-analysis  population (estimated rate ratio (ERR) IDeg/IGlar: 0.82 [0.65; 1.03], p=0.09) or  the BOT population (ERR: 0.92 [0.62; 1.38], p=0.70). For the BB trial, a  significant, 27% lower rate of recurrent confirmed hypoglycemia was found for  IDeg vs. IGlar (ERR: 0.73 [0.54; 0.99], p=0.04).

Conclusion Despite having a longer duration of action than  IGlar, IDeg is not associated with an increased risk of developing a new  confirmed hypoglycemic episode within 24 hours of a previous episode in T2D  patients treated with BOT, and was observed to have a reduced risk in patients  treated with BB therapy.


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 作者:文航 整理 来源:中国医学论坛报           胰岛素经历了从动物胰岛素、人胰岛素到胰岛素类似物的发展,对糖尿病治疗具有巨大贡献,但目前全球范围内糖尿病患者的血糖控制仍不理想,因而仍须不断探索更加理想的治疗。德谷胰岛素(insulin degludec)是诺和诺德公司研制的新一代超长效胰岛素类似物,目前正在进行上市前的临

德谷胰岛素(Insulin Degludec):持久、平稳、长期降糖

来源:中国医学论坛报   德谷胰岛素(insulin degludec)是一种超长效胰岛素类似物,既往研究显示其具有超长效降糖效果,且能减少低血糖风险。在美国糖尿病学会(ADA) 2011年会中,多项德谷胰岛素的新近研究结果发布,进一步探索了其从分子结构到降糖作用的特点,显示出皮下注射后呈多六聚体构型的德谷胰岛素,具有平稳的药代动力学特点,可持久、平稳、长期降糖,低血糖风


解放军总医院 潘长玉    作为新一代超长效胰岛素类似物,德谷胰岛素在既往临床实验中已显示出降糖同时具有减少低血糖的优势,美国糖尿病学会(ADA)2011年会最新公布的为期1年的研究进一步证实:在接受基础+餐时胰岛素治疗的1型糖尿病或2型糖尿病患者中,与甘精胰岛素相比,德谷胰岛素在改善长期血糖控制的同时,可减少夜间低血糖。而且,对于德谷胰岛素减少低血糖风险的机制,两项新发布的研究结果提示了个体


费城(EGMN)——美国糖尿病学会(ADA)年会上报告的数项研究显示,研究性超长效胰岛素degludec(德谷胰岛素)可改善血糖控制,同时低血糖风险较低。这些患者中很多合并肥胖而需要较大剂量胰岛素。 德谷胰岛素(IDeg)由诺和诺德生产,是一种基础胰岛素,在皮下注射后形成可溶性多六聚体,使得其半衰期显著延长至超过24 h。马里兰州内分泌学家Helena W. Rodbard博士指出,由于所产生的血