
2014-07-07 佚名 不详

FDA最近表示将对勃林格殷格翰公司开发的用于治疗肺部疾病特发性肺纤维化(idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF))药物nintedanib进行优先审核。这一决定也将加快其上市的审批流程并在与InterMune公司相似药物竞争中迎头赶上。勃林格殷格翰公司进行了两项超过1000名患者参与的临床上拿起研究,分别发现nintedanib将患者肺功能年平均丧失率降低了4

FDA最近表示将对勃林格殷格翰公司开发的用于治疗肺部疾病特发性肺纤维化(idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF))药物nintedanib进行优先审核。这一决定也将加快其上市的审批流程并在与InterMune公司相似药物竞争中迎头赶上。勃林格殷格翰公司进行了两项超过1000名患者参与的临床上拿起研究,分别发现nintedanib将患者肺功能年平均丧失率降低了48%和55%,而对照组仅为5%。在美国目前还没有一种治疗IPF的特效药物,据了解,美国每年有40000人死于该病。



The FDA is guaranteeing a priority review for Boehringer Ingelheim's much-watched treatment for a rare lung disease, likely speeding up the drug's path to market as the German pharma races with biotech InterMune ($ITMN).

Boehringer's treatment, dubbed nintedanib, is a therapy for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), an often fatal disease that scars the lungs and stands in the way of oxygen absorption. In two Phase III studies on more than 1,000 patients, the drug reduced patients' annual rate of lung-function decline by 48% and 55%, compared to just 5% with placebo arm.

In the U.S., there are no approved treatments for IPF, which kills about 40,000 people a year, according to the Coalition for Pulmonary Fibrosis. The FDA's priority review designation for nintedanib will give Boehringer wider access to regulators and a faster path to a final decision, under agency rules, a regulatory victory that should come in handy as the company strives to hit the U.S. market before an encroaching rival.

Pirfenidone, InterMune's competing IPF drug, endured an FDA rejection in 2010, but, thanks to promising new Phase III studies, the biotech has worked its way back into the good graces of investors. InterMune resubmitted the treatment in May and expects to win approval within 6 months, launching pirfenidone in the first quarter of 2015 if all goes according to plan.

Boehringer isn't disclosing its planned timeline for nintedanib, but even if InterMune wins the stateside race, the company has to like its commercial chances. Pirfenidone is already on the market in Europe, but, despite two years of momentum, the drug brought in just $70.2 million last year. The European Medicines Agency last month agreed to an accelerated review of nintedanib, and Boehringer, with its commercial heft, should be able to compete if and when it launches nintedanib on the continent.

Analysts have said the U.S. market for IPF treatments could peak at north of $2 billion, but just which company will claim the largest share of it remains up for debate. InterMune's shares shot up in March after Boehringer revealed that nintedanib missed a secondary endpoint in one of its Phase III trials, but a May editorial in The New England Journal of Medicine heralded the drug's efficacy and potential as a new hope for IPF patients.






Retrophin公司于今年一月份成功在纳斯达克上市以进行一系列罕见病药物的研发。然而最近公司进行的治疗一种罕见神经退行性疾病的药物RE-024在首次临床研究中暴露出严重副作用为其未来蒙上一层阴影。Retrophin公司是在上个月进入RE-024的临床研究的。当研究人员对招募的这名患者给药后发现患者血液中肝部酶的含量显着升高,最后迫使研究人员暂停给药并随后降低给药量。 RE-024主要是用于


葛兰素史克(GSK)和辉瑞(Pfizer)合资公司ViiV Healthcare 6月27日宣布,三合一HIV药物Triumeq(dolutegravir/abacavir/lamivudine,dolutegravir/阿巴卡韦/拉米夫定)获得了欧洲药品管理局(EMA)人用医药产品委员会(CHMP)的积极意见。CHMP建议批准Triumeq用于12岁及以上且体重至少40公斤的青少年及成人HIV感


近日,刊登在国际杂志Neuron上的一篇研究论文中,来自艾默里大学的研究人员通过研究鉴别出了一种新型药物,其可以使得小鼠大脑中的可怕记忆变得不再持久,该项研究或为揭示创伤后应激障碍(PTSD,Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)的发病机制以及开发新型靶向性疗法提供一定的希望。 这种药物名为奥沙奈坦,其可以以控制恐惧记忆形成合并的大脑区域中的大脑细胞进行靶向作用,研究者K



Front Behav Neurosci:贪官大脑与我们有何不同:药物或可抑制腐败

概念图 香港《南华早报》网站7月5日刊登题为《贪官的大脑,与我们有何不同?》的报道称,人们会毫不犹豫地接受贿赂,还是会再三深思?科学家认为,这个问题或许 可以在左脑中找到答案。这一说法促使外界讨论是否可以利用药物或治疗方法来抑制腐败倾向。 科学界一直在寻找一种神经机制,希望借此解释为何人们的行为会偏离社会规范。 内地行为神经科学家最近重点研究了大脑左侧额下回稍上方的


一种被称作quilizumab的实验性药物或能通过在病人中降低某种叫做E型免疫球蛋白(IgE)的炎性蛋白浓度从而减少哮喘及过敏症状。 早期阶段的临床试验提示,该药会在某一天成为一种对数百万罹患严重哮喘或过敏者有效的治疗选项。目前,只有一种哮喘治疗是以IgE作为标靶的,但它对该炎症蛋白的产生没有影响,这意味着患者需要接受常规剂量的该药物才能让IgE浓度一直得以控制。Gail Gauvreau及其同