
2012-06-17 EurekAlert! EurekAlert!

一项刊登在PNAS上的研究报告指出,增加字母间距能显著改善诵读困难儿童的阅读速度和准确性。Marco Zorzi及其同事研究了8到14岁之间的54位意大利的和40位法国的诵读困难儿童,检测了字母间距对受试者阅读能力的影响。这些儿童被要求阅读含有24个短句的一个文本,这些短句以标准间距或者增加的字母间距加以呈现。这些发现表明特宽的字母间距让文本阅读的准确性加倍,并且增加了阅读速度20%以上,达到了大

一项刊登在PNAS上的研究报告指出,增加字母间距能显著改善诵读困难儿童的阅读速度和准确性。Marco Zorzi及其同事研究了8到14岁之间的54位意大利的和40位法国的诵读困难儿童,检测了字母间距对受试者阅读能力的影响。这些儿童被要求阅读含有24个短句的一个文本,这些短句以标准间距或者增加的字母间距加以呈现。这些发现表明特宽的字母间距让文本阅读的准确性加倍,并且增加了阅读速度20%以上,达到了大约每秒0.3个音节。




Extra-large letter spacing improves reading in dyslexia

Marco Zorzia,1,2, Chiara Barbierob,1, Andrea Facoettia,c,1, Isabella Lonciarib, Marco Carrozzib, Marcella Monticod, Laura Bravarb, Florence Georgee, Catherine Pech-Georgele, and Johannes C. Zieglerf

Although the causes of dyslexia are still debated, all researchers agree that the main challenge is to find ways that allow a child with dyslexia to read more words in less time, because reading more is undisputedly the most efficient intervention for dyslexia. Sophisticated training programs exist, but they typically target the component skills of reading, such as phonological awareness. After the component skills have improved, the main challenge remains (that is, reading deficits must be treated by reading more—a vicious circle for a dyslexic child). Here, we show that a simple manipulation of letter spacing substantially improved text reading performance on the fly (without any training) in a large, unselected sample of Italian and French dyslexic children. Extra-large letter spacing helps reading, because dyslexics are abnormally affected by crowding, a perceptual phenomenon with detrimental effects on letter recognition that is modulated by the spacing between letters. Extra-large letter spacing may help to break the vicious circle by rendering the reading material more easily accessible.


评论区 (1)
  1. 2012-07-07 drwjr