ANN NEUROL:吃青椒可预防帕金森氏症

2013-05-13 koo 生物360

吃青椒可以预防帕金森氏症? 许多小朋友可能都跟卡通人物蜡笔小新一样不敢吃青椒,把它当成最可怕的食物, 不过国外有研究发现,吃青椒可以预防帕金森氏症,华盛顿大学研究指出,每个礼拜吃两次茄科蔬菜的人,像是青椒甜椒辣椒番茄茄子,可以预防帕金森氏症罹患的机率可降至少三成。 研究认为,是因为基底核会受到烟碱的刺激,可以增加大脑多巴胺的含量,有助降低帕金森式风险。 与帕金森相关的拓展阅读:


许多小朋友可能都跟卡通人物蜡笔小新一样不敢吃青椒,把它当成最可怕的食物, 不过国外有研究发现,吃青椒可以预防帕金森氏症,华盛顿大学研究指出,每个礼拜吃两次茄科蔬菜的人,像是青椒甜椒辣椒番茄茄子,可以预防帕金森氏症罹患的机率可降至少三成。



To test whether risk of Parkinson disease (PD) is associated with consumption of nicotine-containing edibles from the same botanical family as tobacco, Solanaceae, including peppers, tomatoes, and potatoes.
In a population-based study with 490 newly diagnosed idiopathic PD cases diagnosed during 1992–2008 at the University of Washington Neurology Clinic or Group Health Cooperative in western Washington State and 644 unrelated, neurologically normal controls, we examined whether PD was associated with self-reported typical frequency of consumption of peppers, tomatoes, tomato juice, and potatoes during adulthood, while adjusting for consumption of other vegetables, age, sex, race/ethnicity, tobacco use, and caffeine.
PD was inversely associated with consumption of all edible Solanaceae combined (relative risk [RR] = 0.81, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.65–1.01 per time per day), but not consumption of all other vegetables combined (RR = 1.00, 95% CI = 0.92–1.10). The trend strengthened when we weighted edible Solanaceae by nicotine concentration (ptrend = 0.004). An inverse association was also evident for peppers specifically (ptrend = 0.005). The potentially protective effect of edible Solanaceae largely occurred in men and women who had never used tobacco or who had smoked cigarettes <10 years.
Dietary nicotine or other constituents of tobacco and peppers may reduce PD risk. However, confirmation and extension of these findings are needed to strengthen causal inferences that could suggest possible dietary or pharmaceutical interventions for PD prevention. Ann Neurol 2013


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