
2013-05-06 Beyond 生物谷

2012年11月25日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,一项新的研究证实海藻产生的一种化合物短裸甲藻毒素-2能刺激培养的小鼠神经元神经细胞的生长,增强可塑性。本研究提出一个潜在的新的药物治疗中风或其他脑外伤,恢复脑功能。 每年,在美国有超过795,000人患中风。中风是一种导致患者长期残疾的主要原因。 研究表明,化合物如短裸甲藻毒素-2可以增强神经元的可塑性,通过神经修复疗法对中风

2012年11月25日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,一项新的研究证实海藻产生的一种化合物短裸甲藻毒素-2能刺激培养的小鼠神经元神经细胞的生长,增强可塑性。本研究提出一个潜在的新的药物治疗中风或其他脑外伤,恢复脑功能。




Bidirectional influence of sodium channel activation on NMDA receptor-dependent cerebrocortical neuron structural plasticity.
Neuronal activity regulates brain development and synaptic plasticity through N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) and calcium-dependent signaling pathways. Intracellular sodium ([Na(+)](i)) also exerts a regulatory influence on NMDAR channel activity, and [Na(+)](i) may, therefore, function as a signaling molecule. In an attempt to mimic the influence of neuronal activity on synaptic plasticity, we used brevetoxin-2 (PbTx-2), a voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC) gating modifier, to manipulate [Na(+)](i) in cerebrocortical neurons. The acute application of PbTx-2 produced concentration-dependent increments in both intracellular [Na(+)] and [Ca(2+)]. Pharmacological evaluation showed that PbTx-2-induced Ca(2+) influx primarily involved VGSC activation and NMDAR-mediated entry. Additionally, PbTx-2 robustly potentiated NMDA-induced Ca(2+) influx. PbTx-2-exposed neurons showed enhanced neurite outgrowth, increased dendritic arbor complexity, and increased dendritic filopodia density. The appearance of spontaneous calcium oscillations, reflecting synchronous neuronal activity, was accelerated by PbTx-2 treatment. Parallel to this response, PbTx-2 increased cerebrocortical neuron synaptic density. PbTx-2 stimulation of neurite outgrowth, dendritic arborization, and synaptogenesis all exhibited bidirectional concentration-response profiles. This profile paralleled that of NMDA, which also produced bidirectional concentration-response profiles for neurite outgrowth and synaptogenesis. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that PbTx-2-enhanced neuronal plasticity involves NMDAR-dependent signaling. Our results demonstrate that PbTx-2 mimics activity-dependent neuronal structural plasticity in cerebrocortical neurons through an increase in [Na(+)](i), up-regulation of NMDAR function, and engagement of downstream Ca(2+)-dependent signaling pathways. These data suggest that VGSC gating modifiers may represent a pharmacologic strategy to regulate neuronal plasticity through NMDAR-dependent mechanisms.


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