
2012-04-10 Llewellyn Smith 等 Journal of the Natio

肥胖是很多肿瘤的危险因素,但肺癌似乎并不包括内。较多的流行病学研究发现,体重指数(BMI)(肥胖的标记物)和肺癌的发生风险成负相关。但这些研究都或多或少受到潜在的混杂因素影响,如吸烟等。于是来自美国国家癌症研究所Smith等人进行了研究。研究结果3月16日在线发表于JNCI。 这是一项前瞻性的研究,于在1995–1996年纳入了年龄在50-71岁间的448732名男性和女性。BMI根据研究对象基



研究发现肺癌的发病率为男性233例/100000人年,女性为192例/100000人年。无论是男性还是女性,BMI均与肺癌发生风险呈负相关(BMI≥35 VS 22.5-24.99 kg/m2:HR= 0.81,95%CI= 0.70-0.94和HR= 0.73,95%CI =0.61-0.87)。这种负相关仅存在于吸烟(包括既往有吸烟史)人群,且在校正吸烟因素后,这种负相关变强。在吸烟人群中进一步亚组分析,分组因素包括戒烟的时间,每天吸烟的支数等,在各亚组中BMI均与肺癌发生风险负相关。敏感性分析的结果支持这种负相关与既往病史无关。由此可得出结论:在吸烟者中,较高的BMI可以降低肺癌的发生风险。(生物谷 bioon.com)


Body Mass Index and Risk of Lung Cancer Among Never, Former, and Current Smokers

Llewellyn Smith, Louise A. Brinton, Margaret R. Spitz, Tram Kim Lam, Yikyung Park, Albert R. Hollenbeck, Neal D. Freedman and Gretchen L. Gierach

Background Although obesity has been directly linked to the development of many cancers, many epidemiological studies have found that body mass index (BMI)—a surrogate marker of obesity—is inversely associated with the risk of lung cancer. These studies are difficult to interpret because of potential confounding by cigarette smoking, a major risk factor for lung cancer that is associated with lower BMI. Methods We prospectively examined the association between BMI and the risk of lung cancer among 448?732 men and women aged 50–71 years who were recruited during 1995–1996 for the National Institutes of Health–AARP Diet and Health Study. BMI was calculated based on the participant’s self-reported height and weight on the baseline questionnaire. We identified 9437 incident lung carcinomas (including 415 in never smokers) during a mean follow-up of 9.7 years through 2006. Multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) with adjustment for lung cancer risk factors, including smoking status. To address potential bias due to preexisting undiagnosed disease, we excluded potentially unhealthy participants in sensitivity analyses. All statistical tests were two-sided. Results The crude incidence rate of lung cancer over the study follow-up period was 233 per 100?000 person-years among men and 192 per 100?000 person-years among women. BMI was inversely associated with the risk of lung cancer among both men and women (BMI ≥35 vs 22.5–24.99 kg/m2: HR = 0.81, 95% CI = 0.70 to 0.94 and HR = 0.73, 95% CI = 0.61 to 0.87, respectively). The inverse association was restricted to current and former smokers and was stronger after adjustment for smoking. Among smokers, the inverse association persisted even after finely stratifying on smoking status, time since quitting smoking, and number of cigarettes smoked per day. Sensitivity analyses did not support the possibility that the inverse association was due to prevalent undiagnosed disease. Conclusions Our results suggest that a higher BMI is associated with a reduced risk of lung cancer in current and former smokers. Our inability to attribute the inverse association between BMI and the risk of lung cancer to residual confounding by smoking or to bias suggests the need for considering other explanations.

作者:Llewellyn Smith 等

评论区 (2)


PLoS One:发现调节前列腺癌发展的miRNA以及治疗药物

去势抵抗性前列腺癌 (CRPC) 的发生促进了前列腺癌(PCa)病人的高死亡率,这在某种程度上归因于肿瘤干细胞(CSCs)的存在及出现。近期来自美国韦恩州立大学医学院的Fazlul H. Sarkar等人研究表明,解除对Let-7(一种miRNAs)表达的控制会促进PCa的发生和发展,并且这个过程能够被BR-DIM所改变。相关研究发表在3月19日美国《公共科学图书馆·综合(PLoS One)上。

FEBS Letters:癌症抑制相关因子RBM5有效促进DHX15解旋酶活性

2012年3月17日,北京生命科学研究所李夏璐研究小组在《FEBS Letters》杂志在线发表文章,报道了癌症抑制因子RBM5与剪接因子DHX15直接相互作用,从而提高了DHX15核酸解旋酶的活性。 在肺癌等多种癌症发生早期,都伴随有染色体3p21.3区域的缺失,RBM5基因则位于这段区域内。前期研究发现,RBM5的高表达能促进细胞凋亡,低表达则诱导细胞癌化。因此,RBM5一直以来被认为是癌症

PLoS One:精浆增强子宫颈癌细胞增殖以及肿瘤生长

在撒哈拉南部非洲,宫颈癌是一种主要引起妇女死因的癌症。广泛的证据表明,宫颈癌及其癌前病变是由人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)的感染引起。虽然绝大多数的HPV的感染是自然感染的,根除感染细胞的失败被表明会促进病毒存留以及肿瘤发生。 紧跟着致瘤性转化,通过直接或者是体循环的方式暴露在炎症因子中时,可能会增强宫颈上皮细胞疾病的发展。总所周知,精浆(SP) 包含了大量的炎症介质,它们都被鉴定为肿瘤生长有关的调节因

Appl. Phys. Lett:等离子体杀灭癌细胞研究获进展

3月19日,日本名古屋大学教授吉川史隆率领的研究小组说,他们利用特殊装置产生的等离子体照射卵巢癌细胞,在不伤害正常细胞的情况下,杀死了恶性细胞。相关论文发表在《应用物理快报》(Applied Physics Letters)上。 等离子体是由部分电子被剥夺后的原子及原子被电离后产生的正负电子组成的离子化气体状物质,广泛存在于宇宙中。通常,在大气中产生的等离子体是高温的,但是研究小组开发出


确诊为局部膀胱癌的癌症患者,有80%的癌症患者存活期有五年,但一旦癌细胞扩散,只有20%的人生存期为三年。《临床研究杂志》最近刊登的一则研究不仅揭示了膀胱癌是如何转移至肺部的,同时也指出了抑制这种膀胱癌细胞转移的方法。 具体来说,该项研究表明参与肿瘤细胞迁移过程的蛋白质——多功能蛋白聚糖(versican)是肺转移的驱动因子,高聚糖水平与膀胱癌患者的预后较差相关。这项研究首次证明当肿瘤细胞产生蛋


乳腺癌中淋巴结转移及不良预后的关系10年以前就已经被发现。然而,癌细胞侵入淋巴系统的机理还没有被完全阐明。 最近的研究发现,在转移性传播中,由于肿瘤分泌的生长因子刺激了淋巴管的形成,淋巴系统起到了一个积极的作用。 SIX1是一种与乳腺癌有关的同源结构域转录因子,它是否与淋巴管形成及淋巴转移有关还未可知,对此,美国科罗拉多大学丹佛医学院的研究人员开展了一项研究。 在一个注入了人类乳腺癌细胞的免