Neural Regen Res. :复光颗粒联合生长因子改善损伤视神经的生物力学

2013-01-09 EurekAlert!中文 EurekAlert!中文

《中国神经再生研究(英文版)》杂志于2012年12月36期出版的一项关于“Biomechanical analysis of optic nerve injury treated by compound light granules and ciliary neurotrophic factor”的研究发现,①从生物力学和组织学角度观察中药复光颗粒和睫状神经营养因子对视神经损伤兔的治疗效果。②以纵

《中国神经再生研究(英文版)》杂志于2012年12月36期出版的一项关于“Biomechanical analysis of optic nerve injury treated by compound light granules and ciliary neurotrophic factor”的研究发现,①从生物力学和组织学角度观察中药复光颗粒和睫状神经营养因子对视神经损伤兔的治疗效果。②以纵向拉伸的方法评估视神经的应力、应变等数据,以回归分析的方法建立视神经应力-应变关系表达式,进行定量分析。③视神经损伤后其拉伸弹性限度应变、弹性限度应力、最大应力、最大应变均明显减小,抗拉伸承载能力降低。④中药复光颗粒和睫状神经营养因子均可改善损伤视神经的组织形态,提高视神经拉伸力学相关指标和抵抗载荷和变形的能力,二者联合作用效果更好。作者认为,复光颗粒和睫状神经营养因子均可从组织学和生物力学方面减轻视神经损伤。


Biomechanical analysis of optic nerve injury treated by compound light granules and ciliary neurotrophic factor

Yuying Jiang1, 2, Haitao Xu1, Jingxiang Liu2, Peng Li3, Yazhen Wu1

In this study, rabbit models of optic nerve injury were reproduced by the clamp method. After modeling, rabbit models were given one injection of 50 ng recombinant human ciliary neurotrophic factor into the vitreous body and/or intragastric injection of 4 g/kg compound light granules containing Radix Angelicae Sinensis and Raidix Paeoniae Alba at 4 days after modeling, once per day for 30 consecutive days. After administration, the animals were sacrificed and the intraorbital optic nerve was harvested. Hematoxylin-eosin staining revealed that the injured optic nerve was thinner and optic nerve fibers were irregular. After treatment with recombinant human ciliary neurotrophic factor, the arrangement of optic nerve fibers was disordered but they were not markedly thinner. After treatment with compound light granules, the arrangement of optic nerve fibers was slightly disordered and their structure was intact. After combined treatment with recombinant human ciliary neurotrophic factor and compound light granules, the arrangement of optic nerve fibers was slightly disordered and the degree of injury was less than after either treatment alone. Results of tensile mechanical testing of the optic nerve showed that the tensile elastic limit strain, elastic limit stress, maximum stress and maximum strain of the injured optic nerve were significantly lower than the normal optic nerve. After treatment with recombinant human ciliary neurotrophic factor and/or compound light granules, the tensile elastic limit strain, elastic limit stress, maximum stress and maximum strain of the injured optic nerve were significantly increased, especially after the combined treatment. These experimental findings indicate that compound light granules and ciliary neurotrophic factor can alleviate optic nerve injury at the histological and biochemical levels, and the combined treatment is more effective than either treatment alone.


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