Tob control:烟盒上的图形警示标签比文字警示标签更有效

2013-05-17 青楚 医学论坛网

  2010年,美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)推出了一系列36种香烟包装盒上的图形戒烟警示标签。   最近,美国学者的一项研究显示,与仅有文字的戒烟警示相比,这36种图形戒烟警示标签可以增加对于抽烟影响健康的焦虑相关反应,并减少抽烟动机,其中一些图形比另一些更有效。9种只有文字的戒烟警示中,只有1种可以加强焦虑相关反应和减少抽烟动机。相关论文于2013年4月26日在线发表于《烟草控制》杂志。&





Responses of young adults to graphic warning labels for cigarette packages.
In 2010, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposed a series of 36 graphic warning labels for cigarette packages. We sought to evaluate the effects of the labels on fear-related emotions about health consequences of smoking and smoking motivations of young adults.
We conducted an experimental study in 2010-2011 with 325 smokers and non-smokers ages 18-30 years whom we recruited through community distribution lists in North Carolina and through a national survey company. Each participant viewed 27 labels (18 of the proposed labels with graphic images and text warnings and 9 with text-only warnings) in a random order, evaluating each label on understandability and its effects on fear-related reactions and discouragement from wanting to smoke.
Respondents found most of the proposed labels easy to understand. Of the 36 labels, 64% induced greater fear-related reactions and 58% discouraged respondents from wanting to smoke more than the corresponding text-only labels did. Labels with the greatest effects had photographs (as compared with drawings or other art graphics) or depicted diseased body parts or suffering or dead people. In almost every comparison, smokers reported lower fear-related reactions and feeling less discouraged from wanting to smoke relative to non-smokers.
Most of the proposed labels enhanced fear-related reactions about health consequences of smoking and reduced motivations to smoke relative to text-only labels, although some had larger effects than others. All but one of the nine warning labels recently adopted by the FDA enhanced fear-related reactions and reduced smoking motivations.

