
2013-04-24 IJFM dxy

弗吉尼亚理工大学的科学家们提供了新的研究证据,表明细菌表面附着的生物膜能形成一种保护性外膜,这对人类病原体沙门氏菌的存活起到保护作用。 根据疾病预防与控制中心的数据,每年每6位美国人中就有1位因食用了受污染的食物而生病,其中因沙门氏菌感染所致的超过一百万人。找出沙门氏菌对抗生素治疗耐药的原因有助于控制疫情。 Fralin生命科学研究所的研究人员发现,生物膜除了保护沙门氏菌免受热处理和消毒液如漂



Fralin生命科学研究所的研究人员发现,生物膜除了保护沙门氏菌免受热处理和消毒液如漂白剂的杀灭外,还使细菌在极端干燥的情况中存活,甚至使细菌在正常的消化活动中存活。这个研究已经在《食品微生物学国际性杂志》(International Journal of Food Microbiology)的在线刊发表,即将在4月刊中发行。





Biofilms promote survival and virulence of Salmonella enterica sv. Tennessee during prolonged dry storage and after passage through an in vitro digestion system.
Salmonella enterica serotypes have been linked to outbreaks associated with low water activity foods. While the biofilm-forming abilities of Salmonella improve its survival during thermal processing and sanitation it is unclear whether biofilms enhance survival to desiccation and gastric stresses. The purpose of this study was to quantify the effect of physiological state (planktonic versus biofilm) and prior exposure to desiccation and storage in dry milk powder on Salmonella survival and gene expression after passage through an in vitro digestion model. Planktonic cells of Salmonella enterica serotype Tennessee were deposited onto membranes while biofilms were formed on glass beads. The cells were subsequently dried at room temperature and stored in dried milk powder (aw=0.3) for up to 30days. Salmonella survival was quantified by serial dilution onto Brilliant Green Agar before desiccation, after desiccation, after 1-day storage and after 30-day storage. At each sampling period both physiological states were tested for survival through a simulated gastrointestinal system. RNA was extracted at the identical time points and Quantitative Real-Time PCR was used to determine relative expression for genes associated with stress response (rpoS, otsB), virulence (hilA, invA, sipC) and a housekeeping gene 16S rRNA. The physiological state and length of storage affected the survival and gene expression of Salmonella within the desiccated milk powder environment and after passage through an in vitro digestion system (p<0.05). Larger numbers of S. Tennessee were recovered by plate counts for biofilms compared to planktonic, however, the numbers of Salmonella genomes detected by qPCR were not significantly different suggesting entry of the planktonic cells of S. Tennessee into a viable but non-culturable state. The increased expression of stress response genes rpoS and otsB correlated with survival, indicating cross-protection to low water activity and acid stress. Increased expression of virulence-associated genes was seen in cells exposed to dry storage for short periods, however the largest amount of expression occurred in biofilm cells stored for 30days at aw 0.3, suggesting increased virulence potential.


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由美国加州大学戴维斯分校卫生系统(UC Davis Health System)领导的一组科研人员发现了人α-防御素6(HD6)——这是人体的天然防御系统的一个关键成分——与微生物表面结合并形成了围绕、纠缠微生物并让微生物失能的“纳米网”,防止细菌附着在肠道细胞上或者入侵肠道细胞。 该研究描述了防御素的一种全新的作用机制。防御素是已知能够支持血液中的白细胞的防御作用的一组重要的分子,它们保护细胞