
2013-05-16 Stroke dxy

20世纪60年代,研究者发现美国东南部地区卒中的死亡率较高,称之为“卒中带”。在中国,卒中已成为各类疾病中死亡数最高的疾病。来自南京大学附属金陵医院(即南京军区总医院)的徐格林等教授研究了中国的“卒中带”情况,研究结果在线发表在在2013年5月14日的Stroke上。该研究的目的是想确定在中国是否存在有某些地区卒中发病率较高--中国卒中带,如果有的话,可能的病因及可干预的因素有哪些。 该研究系统



中国34个行政省区中涉及32个省(香港及澳门除外)的9项符合条件的研究数据纳入系统性综述,其中范围涉及347个区域中的52%。九个省(黑龙江、西藏、吉林、辽宁、新疆、河北、内蒙古、北京及宁夏)的卒中发病率较高,列于全国前三分之一之列,由此中国的西部及北部构成中国卒中带。中国卒中带的卒中发病率为每十万人236.2人,相比卒中带外的发病率(每十万人109.7人)具有明显统计学意义(率比为2.16,95%可信区间为2.10-2.22)。人群中高血压及较高体重(体重指数大于25)发生率,卒中带区域明显高于其他区域(分别为15.3%比10.3%, P<0.001和21.1%比12.3%, P=0.013)。高血压及高体重指数与局部区域卒中发病情况明显相关(Spearman等级相关分析显示相关指数分别为R=0.642, P<0.001和R=0.438, P=0.014)。



Is There a Stroke Belt in China and Why?
Background and Purpose
In 1960s, a stroke belt with high stroke mortality was discovered in the southeast United States. In China, where stroke is the leading cause of death, we aimed to determine whether a focal region of high stroke incidence (stroke belt) exits and, if so, the possible causal and modifiable factors.
We systematically reviewed all studies of stroke incidence in China between 1980 and 2010, and included those which met our criteria for a high-quality study. Criteria for a provincial region of high stroke incidence were ranking in the top one third of all provinces for stroke incidence and ranking of more than one third of prefectural regions within the province in the top two sevenths of all prefectural regions for stroke incidence. We also reviewed regional distribution of major vascular risk factors, socioeconomic status, and demographic profiles in China.
Nine eligible studies provided data on the incidence of stroke in 32 of 34 provincial regions of China (with Hong Kong and Macao as exceptions) and 52% of the 347 prefectural regions. Nine provincial regions (Heilongjiang, Tibet, Jilin, Liaoning, Xinjiang, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Beijing, and Ningxia) met our criteria for a region of high stroke incidence and constitute a stroke belt in north and west China. The incidence of stroke in the stroke belt was 236.2 per 100 000 population compared with 109.7 in regions outside the belt (rate ratio, 2.16; 95% confidence interval, 2.10–2.22). The mean population prevalence of hypertension and overweight (body mass index, >25) was greater in the stroke belt than that in other regions (15.3% versus 10.3%, P<0.001; 21.1% versus 12.3%, P=0.013, respectively). The prevalence of hypertension and overweight also correlated significantly with regional stroke incidence (R=0.642, P<0.001; R=0.438, P=0.014, respectively, by Spearman rank correlation).
A stroke belt of high stroke incidence exists in 9 provincial regions of north and west China. The stroke belt may be caused, at least in part, by a higher population prevalence of hypertension and excess body weight. Lowering blood pressure and body weight in the stroke belt may reduce the geographic disparity in stroke risk and incidence in China.


评论区 (3)
  1. 2014-06-18 superDrZhang





天坛医院研发了新的卒中相关肺炎预测量表 急性缺血性卒中常导致患者吞咽困难、进食呛咳、肢体瘫痪卧床,易发生肺部感染。为此,天坛医院的王拥军教授等人进行了一项研究,研发一种新的风险评分(急性缺血性卒中相关肺炎评分AIS-APS)用以预测急性缺血性卒中住院患者出现卒中相关肺炎的风险,并加以验证。研究结果在线发表在2013年3月12日的Stroke杂志上。研究结果显示:AIS-APS是预测急性缺血性


CADASIL软脑膜动脉存在显著的内膜增生但没有管腔狭窄 软脑膜动脉异常还没有专门列为CADASIL(伴皮层下梗死和脑白质病变的常染色体显性遗传性脑动脉病)的一个特征。为此,美国密歇根大学神经科的Hairong Dong博士等人进行了一项研究,研究结果在线发表在2013年3月12日的Stroke杂志上。研究结果显示:CADASIL软脑膜动脉的主要改变包括内膜增厚和中膜变薄,但不包括管腔变窄。

[CSC 2013]赵钢:脑卒中神经保护研究进展

       5月4日,在2013中国脑卒中大会的血脂异常与卒中论坛上,第四军医大学西京医院赵钢教授介绍了脑卒中神经保护研究进展。        赵教授介绍,有关神经保护剂治疗卒中的研究数量在过去的15年有了显著的增加。近2/3发表的研究报告显示,在局灶性脑缺血动物模型中使用神经保护剂比对照组的效果好。目前有关神经保