Obstet & Gynecol:剖宫产前给予抗生素治疗可有效降低院内感染率

2012-08-08 T.Shen 生物谷

近日,来自华盛顿大学医学院的研究者的研究结果指出,在妇女剖宫产手术之前给予抗生素可以明显降低其感染的比率,研究者David表示,我们跟踪观察了8000个妇女长达8年时间,我们可以肯定在剖宫产术之前给予抗生素确实可以阻止感染的发生。相关研究成果刊登在了近日的国际杂志Obsterics & Gynecology上。 这项研究中,研究者在2003年一月至2010年12月之间,进行了剖腹产分娩跟

近日,来自华盛顿大学医学院的研究者的研究结果指出,在妇女剖宫产手术之前给予抗生素可以明显降低其感染的比率,研究者David表示,我们跟踪观察了8000个妇女长达8年时间,我们可以肯定在剖宫产术之前给予抗生素确实可以阻止感染的发生。相关研究成果刊登在了近日的国际杂志Obsterics & Gynecology上。



编译自:Timing of Antibiotics Important in Reducing Infections After C-Section


Long-term effect of infection prevention practices and case mix on cesarean surgical site infections.

Kittur ND, McMullen KM, Russo AJ, Ruhl L, Kay HH, Warren DK.

OBJECTIVE: : To estimate trends in patient characteristics and obstetric complications in an 8-year cohort of patients undergoing cesarean delivery and to use time series analysis to estimate the effect of infection prevention interventions and secular trends in patient characteristics on postcesarean delivery surgical site infections. METHODS: : A multivariable autoregressive integrated moving average model was used to perform time series analysis on a 96-month retrospective cohort of patients who underwent cesarean delivery (January 2003-December 2010) in a U.S. tertiary care hospital. RESULTS: : We identified 8,668 women who underwent cesarean delivery. Median age was 26 years (range 12-53 years), 3,093 (35.7%) of patients had body mass indexes (BMIs) of 35 or greater, 2,561 (29.5%) were of white race, and 303 (3.5%) had a surgical site infection. Over the study period, there was a significant increase in the proportion of patients who underwent cesarean delivery who had BMIs of 35 or higher, hypertension or mild preeclampsia, and severe preeclampsia or eclampsia. A nonseasonal autoregressive integrated moving average model with a linear trend and no autocorrelation was identified. In the multivariable autoregressive integrated moving average model of postcesarean surgical site infections, implementation of a policy to administer prophylactic antibiotics within 1 hour before incision, instead of at the time of cord clamp, led to a 48% reduction in cesarean delivery surgical site infections (Δ=-5.4 surgical site infections per 100 cesarean deliveries; P<.001). CONCLUSION: : A change in policy to administer prophylactic antibiotics before incision resulted in a significant reduction in postcesarean surgical site infections.


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    约翰霍普金斯大学的Erika F. Werner医生在在第32届母胎医学会(SMFM)年会(2012. 2. 6-2. 11 美国达拉斯)上的报告,在早产的小于胎龄儿病例中,剖宫产的发生率较高,但根据对1995~2003年间接近3,000例新生儿出生数据的回顾性研究结果,在这一群体中,较阴道分娩,剖宫产并降低早产儿并发症的发生率,并且剖宫产与呼吸窘迫的发生率增高相关。   对于