
2013-05-06 T.Shen 生物谷

2012年12月5日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,刊登在国际杂志Circulation上的一篇研究报告中,来自麦克马斯特大学的研究者揭示了,富含水果、蔬菜及鱼类的健康饮食可以明显降低心血管疾病个体发生二次心脏病发作及中风的风险。 该项研究对来自40个国家将近32,000名平均年龄为66.5岁的个体进行了相关研究,这些个体都维持着自身的健康饮食,结果显示,其患心血管死亡的风险降低了35%;

2012年12月5日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,刊登在国际杂志Circulation上的一篇研究报告中,来自麦克马斯特大学的研究者揭示了,富含水果、蔬菜及鱼类的健康饮食可以明显降低心血管疾病个体发生二次心脏病发作及中风的风险。




这项研究首次报道了,个体的健康饮食对于心血管疾病的保护效应,研究者Dehghan说,医生们应当给予高风险患者一些建议,建议他们改善饮食,吃更多蔬菜、水果以及鱼类,健康的饮食将会有效且明显改善其心血管疾病再次发作的风险。相关研究由制药公司勃林格殷格翰(Boehringer Ingelheim)提供资助


Relationship between healthy diet and risk of cardiovascular disease among patients on drug therapies for secondary prevention: a prospective cohort study of 31 546 high-risk individuals from 40 countries.
Diet quality is strongly related to cardiovascular disease (CVD) incidence, but little is known about its impact on CVD events in older people at high risk of CVD and receiving effective drugs for secondary prevention. This study assessed the association between diet quality and CVD events in a large population of subjects from 40 countries with CVD or diabetes mellitus with end-organ damage receiving proven medications.
Overall, 31 546 women and men 66.5±6.2 years of age enrolled in 2 randomized trials, the Ongoing Telmisartan Alone and in Combination With Ramipril Global End Point Trial (ONTARGET) and the Telmisartan Randomized Assessment Study in ACEI Intolerant Subjects With Cardiovascular Disease (TRANSCEND), were studied. We used 2 dietary indexes: the modified Alternative Healthy Eating Index and the Diet Risk Score. The association between diet quality and the primary composite outcome of CV death, myocardial infarction, stroke, or congestive heart failure was assessed with Cox proportional hazard regression with adjustment for age, sex, trial enrollment allocation, region, and other known confounders. During the 56-month follow-up, there were 5190 events. Patients in the healthier quintiles of modified Alternative Healthy Eating Index scores had a significantly lower risk of CVD (hazard ratio, 0.78; 95% confidence interval, 0.71-0.87, top versus lowest quintile of modified Alternative Healthy Eating Index). The reductions in risk for CV death, myocardial infarction, and stroke were 35%, 14%, and 19%, respectively. The protective association was consistent regardless of whether patients were receiving proven drugs.
A higher-quality diet was associated with a lower risk of recurrent CVD events among people ≥55 years of age with CVD or diabetes mellitus. Highlighting the importance of healthy eating by health professionals would substantially reduce CVD recurrence and save lives globally.





     阿德莱德大学的一项新研究结果发现,早期食用健康饮食的儿童智商可能有轻微增高,而过多食用垃圾食品的儿童智商则可能降低。     该研究由阿德莱德大学公共卫生学研究专家Lisa Smithers博士发起。观察儿童在6个月,15个月和2周岁时的饮食习惯和他们在8周岁时智商水平的关系。     该研究纳