
2012-09-27 生物谷 生物谷

一项最新研究证实每天两次使用新药物BG-12,多发性硬化症患者疾病年复发率减少近一半。俄亥俄州克利夫兰诊所Robert Fox博士说:我们发现每天两次服用该新药物,疾病年复发率减少44%,每日服用三次该新药物的话,疾病复发率减少51%。Fox补充说,药物的耐受性良好,在临床试验中证明是相当安全的。。 研究结果发表在9月20日的New England Journal of Medicine上。多发

一项最新研究证实每天两次使用新药物BG-12,多发性硬化症患者疾病年复发率减少近一半。俄亥俄州克利夫兰诊所Robert Fox博士说:我们发现每天两次服用该新药物,疾病年复发率减少44%,每日服用三次该新药物的话,疾病复发率减少51%。Fox补充说,药物的耐受性良好,在临床试验中证明是相当安全的。。

研究结果发表在9月20日的New England Journal of Medicine上。多发性硬化症是一种慢性、炎症性、脱髓鞘的中枢神经系统疾病。可引起各种症状,包括感觉改变、视觉障碍、肌肉无力、忧郁、协调与讲话困难、严重的疲劳、认知障碍、平衡障碍、体热和疼痛等,严重的可以导致活动性障碍和残疾。

多发性硬化症影响脑和脊髓的神经细胞──神经元。神经元传递信息,形成思维和感觉,以使大脑控制身体。保护这些神经元的脂肪层为髓鞘(Myelin Sheath),协助神经元进行电信号传递。多发性硬化症逐渐造成大脑和脊髓的斑块性的神经髓鞘的破坏(脱髓鞘),髓鞘的瘢痕形成影响神经轴突的信号传递,以失去大脑和脊髓对外周的控制,以至多部位的僵硬或丧失功能。



doi:N Engl J Med 2012; 367:1087-1097

Placebo-Controlled Phase 3 Study of Oral BG-12 or Glatiramer in Multiple Sclerosis

Robert J. Fox, M.D., David H. Miller, M.D., J. Theodore Phillips, M.D., Ph.D., Michael Hutchinson, F.R.C.P., Eva Havrdova, M.D., Mariko Kita, M.D., Minhua Yang, M.S., Kartik Raghupathi, M.S., Mark Novas, M.D., Marianne T. Sweetser, M.D., Ph.D., Vissia Viglietta, M.D., Ph.D., and Katherine T. Dawson, M.D. for the CONFIRM Study Investigators

Background BG-12 (dimethyl fumarate) is in development as an oral treatment for relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis, which is commonly treated with parenteral agents (interferon or glatiramer acetate).

Methods In this phase 3, randomized study, we investigated the efficacy and safety of oral BG-12, at a dose of 240 mg two or three times daily, as compared with placebo in patients with relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis. An active agent, glatiramer acetate, was also included as a reference comparator. The primary end point was the annualized relapse rate over a period of 2 years. The study was not designed to test the superiority or noninferiority of BG-12 versus glatiramer acetate.

Results At 2 years, the annualized relapse rate was significantly lower with twice-daily BG-12 (0.22), thrice-daily BG-12 (0.20), and glatiramer acetate (0.29) than with placebo (0.40) (relative reductions: twice-daily BG-12, 44%, P<0.001; thrice-daily BG-12, 51%, P<0.001; glatiramer acetate, 29%, P=0.01). Reductions in disability progression with twice-daily BG-12, thrice-daily BG-12, and glatiramer acetate versus placebo (21%, 24%, and 7%, respectively) were not significant. As compared with placebo, twice-daily BG-12, thrice-daily BG-12, and glatiramer acetate significantly reduced the numbers of new or enlarging T2-weighted hyperintense lesions (all P<0.001) and new T1-weighted hypointense lesions (P<0.001, P<0.001, and P=0.002, respectively). In post hoc comparisons of BG-12 versus glatiramer acetate, differences were not significant except for the annualized relapse rate (thrice-daily BG-12), new or enlarging T2-weighted hyperintense lesions (both BG-12 doses), and new T1-weighted hypointense lesions (thrice-daily BG-12) (nominal P<0.05 for each comparison). Adverse events occurring at a higher incidence with an active treatment than with placebo included flushing and gastrointestinal events (with BG-12) and injection-related events (with glatiramer acetate). There were no malignant neoplasms or opportunistic infections reported with BG-12. Lymphocyte counts decreased with BG-12.

Conclusions In patients with relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis, BG-12 (at both doses) and glatiramer acetate significantly reduced relapse rates and improved neuroradiologic outcomes relative to placebo. (Funded by Biogen Idec; CONFIRM number, NCT00451451.)

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