
2013-05-13 佚名 EGMN

  英国伯明翰——在英国风湿病学会(BSR)2013年会上,牛津大学国立卫生研究院(NIHR)骨骼肌肉生物医学研究中心的Adrian Kendal博士报告称,一项基于人群的大规模研究表明,与全髋关节置换术(THR)相比,金属对金属髋关节表面重建术(MoMR)治疗骨关节炎可提高患者的10年生存率。 Dr. Adrian Kendal   研究者基于英国医院情景统计数据库和国家统计局数据

  英国伯明翰——在英国风湿病学会(BSR)2013年会上,牛津大学国立卫生研究院(NIHR)骨骼肌肉生物医学研究中心的Adrian Kendal博士报告称,一项基于人群的大规模研究表明,与全髋关节置换术(THR)相比,金属对金属髋关节表面重建术(MoMR)治疗骨关节炎可提高患者的10年生存率。

Dr. Adrian Kendal






  英国东英格兰大学的风湿病学专家Alex MacGregor博士对上述研究结果做出了评论。他指出,去年也发表过关于该主题的类似数据(BMJ 2012;344:e3319)并且引发了一些争议,因为作者存在一些倾向于髋关节表面重建术的利益冲突。作为英国国家关节登记库指导委员会的成员,MacGregor博士参与了后续对该论文结果的重新分析,他表示重新分析的结果将在今年晚些时候公布。




Osteoarthritis patients survive longer after hip resurfacing than replacement
Contrary to expectations, metal-on-metal hip resurfacing for osteoarthritis was associated with higher patient survival at 10 years than was total hip arthroplasty in a large, population-based study.
Cumulative mortality rates were 2.8% for hip resurfacing versus 7.3% for cemented total hip replacement (THR; hazard ratio, 0.51). Ten-year mortality rates comparing hip resurfacing to uncemented THR were 2.6% and 3.2%, respectively (HR, 0.64).
Furthermore, the number needed to treat with hip resurfacing to prevent 1 excess death was 29 when compared to cemented THR, and it was 88 when compared to uncemented THR.
"Patients who received a metal-on-metal resurfacing [MoMR] procedure seem to have a long-term survival advantage compared to patients receiving cemented or an uncemented THR," said Dr. Adrian Kendal of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Musculoskeletal Biomedical Research Unit at the University of Oxford, England.
"Our findings were robust after adjustment for known confounders," Dr. Kendal said at the British Society for Rheumatology annual conference. Propensity matching was used in the trial, which took age, gender, comorbidity, rurality, and social deprivation into account.
For the study, data from the English Hospital Episode Statistics database were obtained and linked to Office for National Statistics mortality records for all adults (over age 18) undergoing elective primary hip replacement for osteoarthritis in National Health Service hospitals in England and Wales between April 1999 and March 2012.
After propensity score matching, there were 91,633 procedures performed, of which 12,580 were MoMR, 37,740 were cemented THR, and 41,312 were uncemented THR.
In response to a comment that perhaps people opting for MoMR were more likely to be younger, more active, and hence more likely to exercise, Dr. Kendal conceded that other factors might exist that could have affected survival.
Speculating about why there might be such a difference in survival, he said: "I personally don’t think it’s just the use of cement, because that doesn’t explain the group that received an uncemented total hip replacement."
He added that the way the femur is prepared during THR might be important, regardless of whether or not cement is used. The known risk of thrombotic consequences also could affect survival. In addition, health care inequality might be important, as resurfacing procedures are less common than THR, perhaps because of the lack of specialized centers or dedicated teams. {nextpage}
Commenting on the findings after their presentation, consultant rheumatologist Dr. Alex MacGregor, of the University of East Anglia, Norwich, England, noted that similar data were published on this topic last year (BMJ 2012;344:e3319), but the results had proved somewhat controversial as the authors had a conflict of interest in favor of hip resurfacing.
Dr. MacGregor, who is a member of the National Joint Registry Steering Committee, has been involved in a subsequent reanalysis of the paper’s findings and said that the results will be made public later in the year.
"One of my concerns [with this study] is the use of the 10-year mortality endpoint. If these resurfacing procedures are saving lives, then you would expect to see a survival benefit sooner, say at 90 days," Dr. MacGregor said.
Dr. Kendal responded that they tried to account for this, but the answer will need to come from a properly organized, randomized controlled trial.
"We don’t have a conflict of interest here. If anything, we were perhaps looking for the opposite effect; we were expecting to see an increased mortality rate in the resurfacing group," Dr. Kendal said. "That was not the case as it turned out, so I am reasonably confident that our data support the findings of that BMJ article."
Dr. Kendal and Dr. MacGregor reported no conflicts of interest.


评论区 (2)
  1. 2013-05-15 xiaoyuesanshi





美国马里兰州盖瑟斯堡——6月28日,美国食品药品管理局(FDA)顾问专家组在结束为期2天的会议时建议,在评估患者是否存在与金属对金属髋关节植入相关的不良反应时,应与骨科医生一起快速开展体格检查、常规X线检查,以及标准和特殊实验室检查。   实验室检查应包括标准血液检查以及评估沉降率和C反应蛋白水平的指标,如有必要还应开展MRI、CT等更为精准的影像学检查。FDA骨科与康复器材顾问委员

BMJ Open:血钴浓度高或可预示髋关节置换失败

    英国一项研究显示,血钴浓度升高与继发于金属碎屑所致不良反应的金属对金属(MoM)髋关节表面置换早期失败相关。论文3月12日在线发表于《英国医学杂志》(BMJ Open)。   该队列研究共纳入278例患者,结果为,血钴浓度是关节置换失败的显著危险因素(z=8.44,P=2×10-16),血钴浓度>20 μg/L常与骨质溶解相关(图2)。考克斯比例风险模型分


很多研究探讨个体饮食或营养对骨骼健康的影响,但很少的研究关注饮食模式。为了调查在中国老年人,饮食模式与髋关节骨折风险的关系,来自中山大学公共卫生学院的陈裕明教授及其团队进行了一项研究,该研究发现一个健康的或谨慎的饮食模式消费可以预防髋关节骨折,反之,高脂饮食模式增加这类骨折的发病率。该研究结果在线发表在2013年4月12日的美国《临床内分泌代谢杂志》(The journal of clinical

Arthritis Rheum:抗神经生长因子治疗髋骨关节炎有效

  《关节炎与风湿病》2013年4月1日在线发表的一项Ⅲ期研究结果显示,与安慰剂相比,抗神经生长因子(抗-NGF)tanezumab治疗16周可显著改善髋关节骨关节炎(OA)患者的疼痛、身体功能以及骨关节炎患者疗效总体评分[Arthritis Rheum. 2013 April 1(doi:10.1002/art.37950)]。   Mark Brown博士及其同事报告称,这项纳入621例髋关