
2015-05-23 MedSci译 MedSci原创

研究发现甘菊茶有助于女性活的更长久,早逝的风险降低29%,但这一影响并不适用于男性。 Table 1. Characteristics of the H-EPESE Total Sample and Stratified by Gender at Wave 4 (2000–2001) (n = 1,682)



Table 1.

Characteristics of the H-EPESE Total Sample and Stratified by Gender at Wave 4 (2000–2001) (n = 1,682)

Total Women Men
Mean (SD) or % Mean (SD) or % Mean (SD) or %
N 1,677 1,032 645
Age 79.53 (5.69) 79.75 (5.86) 79.17 (5.40)
Female 61.54
Married 45.62 30.14 70.39
Widowed 43.53 57.27 21.55
School: <11 years 86.38 87.32 84.88
School: 11–12 years 10.41 10.13 10.87
School: >12 years 3.21 2.56 4.25
Strain: great deal/some 55.64 56.20 54.73
Strain: little or none 36.08 34.98 37.83
Strain missing 8.29 8.82 7.44
U.S. born 57.54 59.88 53.80
Heart attack 6.68 6.49 6.98
Hypertension 51.04 56.30 42.64
Diabetes 28.61 30.00 26.40
Arthritis 54.32 59.01 46.82
Total ADL limitations 0.96 (2.00) 1.08 (2.12) 0.75 (1.79)
Depressive symptoms 11.99 14.15 8.53
CESD missing 6.98 6.88 7.13
Under weight 2.09 1.74 2.64
Normal weight 26.36 25.68 27.44
Over weight 33.51 30.91 37.67
Obese 38.04 41.67 32.25
Current smoker 7.72 4.66 12.66
Current drinker 13.77 5.04 27.75
Chamomile use 13.95 17.64 8.06

美国研究者对1677名65岁及以上的男性和女性进行为期7年的追踪调查,其中有14%饮用甘菊茶。研究结果表明,通过COX回归发现,饮用甘菊茶能减少整体人群29%死亡风险(HR=0.71,95%CI:0.55-0.92)。其中,对女性的死亡风险能减少33% (HR:0.67,95%CI:0.49-0.92),但是对男性没有观察到显著的保护性作用。如果校正社会人口学因素,健康行为,以及慢性疾病后,仍然能发现甘菊茶能减少女性的死亡风险28% (HR:0.72, 95%CI:0.53-0.98),


Figure 1.
Plots of Kaplan–Meyer survival estimates for all, women, and men by chamomile user status in the H-EPESE, 2000–2007. The top panel represents the entire sample (p = .008), the middle panel represents women (p = .011) and the bottom panel represents men (p = .824). In each panel, the dotted line represents no chamomile use, and the solid line represents chamomile use.

    Chamomile Consumption and Mortality: A Prospective Study of Mexican Origin Older Adults.The Gerontologistdoi: 10.1093/geront/gnv051
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