AHA 2019丨COLCOT试验:COLchicine心血管结局试验

2019-11-17 MedFocus POCKET AHA2019

2019年11月16日,一年一度的美国心脏协会科学年会(AHA)在美国宾夕法尼亚州费城隆重启幕,来自世界各地的15000多名顶尖医生、科学家、心脏病专家、保健专业人员和其他人士参加本次会议,讨论心血管科学和医学的未来。来自加拿大蒙特利尔心脏研究所的Jean-Claude Tardif教授在第一场LBS专场中为大家揭晓了COLCOT试验的最新研究结果,COLCOT试验的结果将确定,用小剂量消炎药秋水

2019年11月16日,一年一度的美国心脏协会科学年会(AHA)在美国宾夕法尼亚州费城隆重启幕,来自世界各地的15000多名顶尖医生、科学家、心脏病专家、保健专业人员和其他人士参加本次会议,讨论心血管科学和医学的未来。来自加拿大蒙特利尔心脏研究所的Jean-Claude Tardif教授在第一场LBS专场中为大家揭晓了COLCOT试验的最新研究结果,COLCOT试验的结果将确定,用小剂量消炎药秋水仙碱治疗患者是否能降低他汀类药物治疗以外的缺血性事件的发生率。




Multiple lines of evidence have highlighted the important role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and its complications. Colchicine is an orally administered, potent anti-inflammatory drug clinically indicated for the treatment of gout and pericarditis.



We hypothesized that colchicine will reduce cardiovascular (CV) events in patients with a recent myocardial infarction (MI).



The primary objective of COLCOT is to determine if long-term treatment with colchicine 0.5 mg/day will reduce major CV events in patients with a recent MI. The secondary objective is to determine the safety and tolerability of long-term treatment with low-dose colchicine. COLCOT is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-national clinical trial. A total of 167 clinical sites participated in the trial. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either colchicine (0.5 mg/day) or placebo (1:1 ratio) and followed until at least 301 primary CV events occurred. To enter the trial, adult men and women had to have suffered a MI within the last 30 days and have completed any planned percutaneous revascularization procedures. Follow-up visits occurred at 1 and 3 months following randomization and every ≈3 months thereafter. Patients also received standard medical care including intensive use of statins. The primary study endpoint is the time from randomization to the first event of CV mortality, resuscitated cardiac arrest, non-fatal MI, non-fatal stroke, or urgent hospitalization for angina requiring coronary revascularization. All suspected CV endpoints were adjudicated by an independent and blinded clinical endpoint committee. COLCOT is an event-driven trial with main analyses conducted on an intention-to-treat basis. The sample size calculation was based on the primary endpoint and a hazard ratio of 0.724. Using a two-sided test at the 0.05 significance level, the trial had 80% power if it continued until 301 positively adjudicated primary events occurred in the combined treatment groups. The total number of patients to randomize, 4500, was chosen so that the expected number of adjudicated events after 24 months of follow-up is 301. It assumed an event rate of 7% in the placebo group at 24 months, an 18-month recruitment period, a 24-month minimum follow-up and a 1% yearly lost to follow-up and withdrawal of consent rate.



A total of 4745 patients were enrolled in COLCOT.



The duration of follow-up was relatively short at approximately 23 months. The risks and benefits of longer-term treatment with colchicine were not evaluated. Although the inclusion of 4745 patients was sufficient to demonstrate a significant benefit on the primary composite efficacy endpoint, a larger trial could have allowed a better assessment of individual endpoints and subgroups and the risks associated with colchicine.



Colchicine 0.5 mg/day significantly reduces the risk of first and total ischemic cardiovascular events by 23% and 34% respectively compared to placebo in patients with a recent myocardial infarction.Rates of adverse effects were low, including a small increase in pneumonias (0.9 vs. 0.4%) but no significant increase in diarrhea with colchicine, on background therapy with aspirin, a 2nd antiplatelet agent and a statin in 99, 98 and 99% of patients.The COLCOT results apply to patients who have recently suffered a myocardial infarction. Further research is needed to assess the benefits of colchicine in other high-risk patients.






由中国心血管健康联盟和心关注共同发起的POCKET AHA2019项目将依托医望医学提供的人工智能学术跟踪系统,为全国广大心血管医师带来及时全面的报道。



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