
2014-07-10 佚名 不详




The anti-PD-1 immuno-oncology drug star nivolumab has won the race to the world's first regulatory checkered flag for an approval. Ono Pharmaceutical, which picked up the Japanese rights to the drug in a collaboration deal with Medarex back in 2005, says regulators in the Asian country approved nivolumab for sale as a treatment for unresectable melanoma.

Ono now says that it plans to make the closely-watched drug available to patients for free as it awaits a listing on the national health insurance price list. The company adds that it's planning to follow up with additional applications for other cancer uses, with plans to launch a post-marketing study on the drug's effects among patients prescribed the cancer treatment.

The immune checkpoint inhibitor will be sold in Japan as Opdivo. And it's not the only cutting-edge therapy to get a pioneering OK in Japan. Bristol-Myers today reported that Japanese regulators have approved a combo hep C therapy - packaging  Daklinza and Sunvepra for genotype 1 patients. This is the first of a number of new cocktails being developed for hep C that will exclude interferon and Ribavirin.

Medarex was bought out by Bristol-Myers Squibb ($BMY), leaving it with a cutting-edge therapy designed to disable the cloaking mechanism that cancer cells use to remain hidden from the immune system. Bristol-Myers owns all rights to the drug outside of Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Nivolumab is one of the leading IO drugs in development, racing against Merck's ($MRK) pembrolizumab (MK-3475), which is engaged in a rolling submission in the U.S. and is under review in Europe.

Merck may be leading the race for the first major market approval, but a number of analysts give Bristol-Myers the edge in developing the drug most likely to gain the biggest market share. This sector is likely to be worth billions of dollars, with combination drugs and monotherapies promising to be a game changer in treating cancer. Roche is also among the leaders in the field, with AstraZeneca coming up from behind with its own ambitious development plans.

Just two weeks ago Bristol-Myers, which has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into its development program, announced that it hit the brakes earlier than planned on a late-stage study of nivolumab after the monitoring committee overseeing interim data concluded that the PD-1 drug provided a clear survival benefit over dacarbazine for BRAF wild-type advanced melanoma when used as a frontline therapy.

"We anticipate that nivolumab will be the sales-leading agent among immunotherapies," noted Decision Resources analyst Khurram Nawaz in a recent piece for PMLive in the UK. "However, it will face direct and intense competition from other anti-PD1/PDL1 agents--notably from pembrolizumab in malignant melanoma and NSCLC--and, to a lesser extent, from MPDL-3280A in NSCL."

"We are delighted to obtain a manufacturing and marketing approval as a drug targeting PD-1, which receives a lot of attention in tumor immunity, for the first time in the world." said Gyo Sagara, president of Ono. "Ono would like to obtain approvals for additional indications on ongoing development for other cancers to bring many patients OPDIVO as soon as possible."


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Front Behav Neurosci:贪官大脑与我们有何不同:药物或可抑制腐败

概念图 香港《南华早报》网站7月5日刊登题为《贪官的大脑,与我们有何不同?》的报道称,人们会毫不犹豫地接受贿赂,还是会再三深思?科学家认为,这个问题或许 可以在左脑中找到答案。这一说法促使外界讨论是否可以利用药物或治疗方法来抑制腐败倾向。 科学界一直在寻找一种神经机制,希望借此解释为何人们的行为会偏离社会规范。 内地行为神经科学家最近重点研究了大脑左侧额下回稍上方的


一种被称作quilizumab的实验性药物或能通过在病人中降低某种叫做E型免疫球蛋白(IgE)的炎性蛋白浓度从而减少哮喘及过敏症状。 早期阶段的临床试验提示,该药会在某一天成为一种对数百万罹患严重哮喘或过敏者有效的治疗选项。目前,只有一种哮喘治疗是以IgE作为标靶的,但它对该炎症蛋白的产生没有影响,这意味着患者需要接受常规剂量的该药物才能让IgE浓度一直得以控制。Gail Gauvreau及其同


FDA最近表示将对勃林格殷格翰公司开发的用于治疗肺部疾病特发性肺纤维化(idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF))药物nintedanib进行优先审核。这一决定也将加快其上市的审批流程并在与InterMune公司相似药物竞争中迎头赶上。勃林格殷格翰公司进行了两项超过1000名患者参与的临床上拿起研究,分别发现nintedanib将患者肺功能年平均丧失率降低了4



Cell Rep:新型候选药物或可有效治疗机体代谢综合征

近日,刊登在国际杂志Cell Reports上的一篇研究论文中,来自犹他大学的研究人员通过研究发现一种参与细胞内信号转导的酶类在代谢综合征的产生过程中扮演着重要角色,该研究或可帮助研究人员开发出治疗代谢综合征的新型靶向药物。 研究者Jared Rutter教授表示,我们希望在接下来的几年里进行人类的临床试验,目前获批的药物并不能治疗或者抑制大多数患者的代谢综合征症状,本文中对小鼠和大鼠模型研