
2011-12-14 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

近日,期刊《更年期》(Menopause)发表文章称,巴西一项新研究发现,每周练两次瑜伽有助于缓解失眠症等更年期症状。 巴西圣保罗联邦大学的海伦娜·哈楚尔博士及其同事对44名患有失眠症的绝经妇女进行了研究。研究人员将44名参试妇女随机分为3组,15人不接受任何治疗(对比组),14人接受拉伸训练同时接受每周两次的理疗(理疗组),其余15人每周参加瑜伽班练习两次(瑜伽组)。瑜伽组参试妇女接受拉伸姿势




Yoga decreases insomnia in postmenopausal women: a randomized clinical trial.

Rui Ferreira Afonso, Helena Hachul, Elisa Harumi Kozasa, Denise de Souza Oliveira, Viviane Goto, Dinah Rodrigues, Sérgio Tufik and José Rober


The practice of yoga has been proven to have positive effects on reducing insomnia. Studies have also shown its effects on reducing climacteric symptoms. To date, however, no studies that evaluate the effects of yoga on postmenopausal women with a diagnosis of insomnia in a randomized clinical trial have been conducted. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of yoga practice on the physical and mental health and climacteric symptoms of postmenopausal women with a diagnosis of insomnia.


Postmenopausal women not undergoing hormone therapy, who were 50 to 65 years old, who had an apnea-hypopnea index less than 15, and who had a diagnosis of insomnia were randomly assigned to one of three groups, as follows: control, passive stretching, and yoga. Questionnaires were administered before and 4 months after the intervention to evaluate quality of life, anxiety and depression symptoms, climacteric symptoms, insomnia severity, daytime sleepiness, and stress. The volunteers also underwent polysomnography. The study lasted 4 months.


There were 44 volunteers at the end of the study. When compared with the control group, the yoga group had significantly lower posttreatment scores for climacteric symptoms and insomnia severity and higher scores for quality of life and resistance phase of stress. The reduction in insomnia severity in the yoga group was significantly higher than that in the control and passive-stretching groups.


This study showed that a specific sequence of yoga might be effective in reducing insomnia and menopausal symptoms as well as improving quality of life in postmenopausal women with insomnia.

评论区 (1)
  1. 2011-12-16 wjywjy



MedSci评: 其实有大量关于瑜伽,慢跑,气功方面的文章,发表在国际重要杂志上,关键在于实验设计是合理的,严谨的,采用的研究方法可信。相反,即使研究对象再好,如果研究方法欠严谨,都难以发表优秀的SCI论文。     英国一项研究表明,对于有慢性或反复腰痛的成年病人,12周的瑜伽课程可改善其腰部功能,且效果优于常规护理。该研究于11月1日在线发表于《内科学文献》(Arch