Cell Stem Cell:肿瘤干细胞在肿瘤转移中的作用

2012-03-09 MedSci 生物谷Bioon.com

近日,国际权威刊物《细胞》杂志子刊《细胞—干细胞》Cell Stem Cell以Preview的形式发表了欧阳高亮教授课题组的研究文章“Periostin:a bridge between cancer stem cells and their metastatic niche”的评论性文章,对2012年1月Huelsken J.教授发表在国际权威刊物《自然》上的研究论文“Interactions

近日,国际权威刊物《细胞》杂志子刊《细胞—干细胞Cell Stem CellPreview的形式发表了欧阳高亮教授课题组的研究文章“Periostin:a bridge between cancer stem cells and their metastatic niche”的评论性文章,对2012年1月Huelsken J.教授发表在国际权威刊物《自然》上的研究论文“Interactions between cancer stem cells and their niche govern metastatic colonization”进行了专题评论。


Huelsken J.教授课题组的研究发现,细胞外基质分泌蛋白Periostin在小鼠乳腺癌肿瘤干细胞的干性维持以及小鼠乳腺癌肺转移中起着关键性的调控作用。欧阳高亮教授课题组在评论中首先对肿瘤转移以及肿瘤干细胞在肿瘤转移中的作用进行了简要综述,然后结合本课题组有关Periostin蛋白在人结肠癌肝转移和人肿瘤干细胞干性调控中的功能等相关工作对Huelsken J.教授的这项研究进行了扼要回顾并给予了高度评价,同时对Periostin等细胞外基质蛋白在肿瘤干细胞及其微环境中的功能提出了自己的见解

Periostin: A Bridge between Cancer Stem Cells and Their Metastatic Niche

Zhe Wang, Gaoliang Ouyang

Only a minority of cancer cells have the potential to initiate metastatic growth, but the factors that limit metastatic colonization remain mostly unknown. Malanchi et al., 2012 recently demonstrated that stromal periostin is crucial for metastatic colonization by regulating the interactions between breast cancer stem cells and their metastatic niche.

Interactions between cancer stem cells and their niche govern metastatic colonization

Ilaria Malanchi,1, 5 Albert Santamaria-Martínez,1, 5 Evelyn Susanto,1 Hong Peng,1, 2 Hans-Anton Lehr,3 Jean-Francois Delaloye4 & Joerg Huelsken1

Metastatic growth in distant organs is the major cause of cancer mortality. The development of metastasis is a multistage process with several rate-limiting steps1. Although dissemination of tumour cells seems to be an early and frequent event2, the successful initiation of metastatic growth, a process termed ‘metastatic colonization’, is inefficient for many cancer types and is accomplished only by a minority of cancer cells that reach distant sites3, 4. Prevalent target sites are characteristic of many tumour entities5, suggesting that inadequate support by distant tissues contributes to the inefficiency of the metastatic process. Here we show that a small population of cancer stem cells is critical for metastatic colonization, that is, the initial expansion of cancer cells at the secondary site, and that stromal niche signals are crucial to this expansion process. We find that periostin (POSTN), a component of the extracellular matrix, is expressed by fibroblasts in the normal tissue and in the stroma of the primary tumour. Infiltrating tumour cells need to induce stromal POSTN expression in the secondary target organ (in this case lung) to initiate colonization. POSTN is required to allow cancer stem cell maintenance, and blocking its function prevents metastasis. POSTN recruits Wnt ligands and thereby increases Wnt signalling in cancer stem cells. We suggest that the education of stromal cells by infiltrating tumour cells is an important step in metastatic colonization and that preventing de novo niche formation may be a novel strategy for the treatment of metastatic disease.


评论区 (5)



TGF-β的复杂细胞信号传导途径 信号告诉细胞表现得像癌细胞那样存活,生长和不受控制的增殖。信号也能够告诉带有癌变特征的细胞停止生长或死亡。在乳腺癌中,一种狡猾的称作TGF-β的信号发挥着两种作用:有时促进肿瘤产生,有时抑制肿瘤产生。 来自美国科罗拉多大学癌症研究中心的研究人员最近在Oncogene 期刊上发表一篇论文,详细地描述了肿瘤如何能够调控TGF-β信号传导开关,当它促进肿瘤产生时


 《英国癌症杂志》(British Journal of Cancer)近期发表的一项研究表明,HER2/neu阳性/Ki-67阳性乳腺原位导管癌(DCIS)女性患者保乳手术后局部复发风险较高。   该研究共纳入了1982~2000年接受乳腺癌保乳术治疗的213例DCIS患者,其中141例仅接受保乳手术,72例同时接受了术后放疗。   研究采用免疫组化法对DCIS


  何塞·巴塞尔加等 美国波士顿哈佛医学院麻省总医院癌症中心等   背景 乳腺癌中的内分泌治疗抵抗与哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mTOR)的细胞内信号转导途径激活相关。早期研究中,在内分泌治疗基础上加用的mTOR抑制剂依维莫司显示了抗肿瘤活性。   方法 在这项3期随机试验中,我们在724例激素受体阳性的晚期乳腺癌患者中比较了依维莫司和依西美坦与依西美坦和安慰剂(以2

Lancet Oncology:早期乳腺癌宜保乳

 《柳叶刀·肿瘤学》(The Lancet Oncology)杂志2月27日在线发表了国际Ⅲ期随机临床研究——EORTC 10801研究20年随访结果:由于长期随访显示,早期乳腺癌患者接受包含放疗的保乳治疗或改良根治性乳房切除术的生存状况相似,因此前者应成为早期乳腺癌的标准治疗。   相关链接:Breast conserving therapy versus mas


 我国台湾学者2月19日在线发表于《癌症化疗与药理学》(Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology)杂志的一项研究表明,T2期HER2过表达乳腺癌可行TCH(曲妥珠单抗+顺铂+多西他赛)新辅助化疗。   该研究共纳入30例HER2过表达乳腺癌患者。    患者接受6个周期的TCH治疗,治疗方案为:第1天和此后每21天给予患者多西他赛60 mg/m2和顺铂50 mg

美国妇产科医师协会(ACOG) 发布乳腺癌治疗指南

美国妇产科医师协会(ACOG) 2月21日在线发布了有关正在接受或已经接受乳腺癌治疗者的妇科疾病诊治最新临床指南,并指出选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(SSRI)可安全用于治疗部分乳腺癌女性患者的潮热症状,且不会增加乳腺癌治疗期间怀孕女性的疾病复发风险(Obstet. Gynecol. 2012;119:666-82)。 新指南引用了166篇已发表的文献证据,涵盖了化疗、激素治疗、放疗和手术治疗等