
2013-05-06 ZinFingerNase 生物谷

2012年10月26日--来自德国萨尔布吕肯大学(Saarland University)和亥姆霍兹传染病研究中心(Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, HZI)的研究人员阐明了肺粘膜的物理性质:他们发现肺粘膜上的刚性凝胶支架(rigid gel scaffold)将大的充满液体的孔隔离开,并且阻止纳米颗粒在单个孔的界限外运动。他们的发现加深了我们对呼吸

2012年10月26日--来自德国萨尔布吕肯大学(Saarland University)和亥姆霍兹传染病研究中心(Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, HZI)的研究人员阐明了肺粘膜的物理性质:他们发现肺粘膜上的刚性凝胶支架(rigid gel scaffold)将大的充满液体的孔隔离开,并且阻止纳米颗粒在单个孔的界限外运动。他们的发现加深了我们对呼吸系统疾病(特别是传染性疾病)的理解,从而有助于开发新的吸入性药物。相关研究结果发表在PNAS期刊上。


论文通信作者Claus-Michael Lehr教授解释道,“肺粘膜是一种非常特别的凝胶。”


在这项研究中,研究人员使用了光镊子(optical tweezer)来证实了他们的发现:成束的激光被用来抓住和移动这些最小的颗粒。另一名通讯作者 Christian Wagner教授解释道,“我们能够使用光镊子的激光束来测量用来移动凝胶内颗粒所需的力量。我们能够以一种固定的力量在孔内的液体中移动颗粒。”



Optical tweezers reveal relationship between microstructure and nanoparticle penetration of pulmonary mucus

In this study, the mobility of nanoparticles in mucus and similar hydrogels as model systems was assessed to elucidate the link between microscopic diffusion behavior and macroscopic penetration of such gels. Differences in particle adhesion to mucus components were strongly dependent on particle coating. Particles coated with 2 kDa PEG exhibited a decreased adhesion to mucus components, whereas chitosan strongly increased the adhesion. Despite such mucoinert properties of PEG, magnetic nanoparticles of both coatings did not penetrate through native respiratory mucus, resisting high magnetic forces (even for several hours). However, model hydrogels were, indeed, penetrated by both particles in dependency of particle coating, obeying the theory of particle mobility in an external force field. Comparison of penetration data with cryogenic scanning EM images of mucus and the applied model systems suggested particularly high rigidity of the mucin scaffold and a broad pore size distribution in mucus as reasons for the observed particle immobilization. Active probing of the rigidity of mucus and model gels with optical tweezers was used in this context to confirm such properties of mucus on the microscale, thus presenting the missing link between micro- and macroscopical observations. Because of high heterogeneity in the size of the voids and pores in mucus, on small scales, particle mobility will depend on adhesive or inert properties. However, particle translocation over distances larger than a few micrometers is restricted by highly rigid structures within the mucus mesh.


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