
2013-06-03 邱锐 中国科学报

日前,中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所戴建武研究组成功利用三维培养,将皮肤细胞变成神经干细胞。相关研究成果发表于《生物材料》。 2006年,山中伸弥利用逆转录病毒转基因的方法实现体细胞重编程,产生诱导性多能干细胞(iPS细胞),开创了基因调控细胞重编程的全新领域。随后大量研究表明,不同基因的联合应用可以诱导体细胞向多种类型细胞转变,如心肌细胞、神经元细胞、神经干细胞、血液祖细胞、胰岛细胞等。这些转分







Biomaterials     DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2013.04.040

Direct conversion of fibroblasts into neural progenitor-like cells by forced growth into 3D spheres on low attachment surfaces

Guannan Sua, b, 1, Yannan Zhaoa, 1, Jianshu Weia, b, 1, Zhifeng Xiaoa, Bing Chena, Jin Hana, Lei Chena, b, Jian Guanc, Renzhi Wangc, Qun Dongd, Jianwu Daia

Many stem cells grow into three-dimensional (3D) spheres or colonies, such as neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and embryonic stem cells (ESCs). Sphere morphology helps maintaining the stemness of stem cells. Our previous study demonstrated that forced growth of RT4 and HEK293 cells into 3D sphere on low attachment surface could induce stem cell properties. The close relationship between 3D sphere morphology and stem cell stemness drives us to hypothesize that 3D sphere formation induces fibroblasts reprogramming. The key gene Sox2 for reprogramming fibroblasts into NPCs was found to be overexpressed in 3D sphere cultured mouse fibroblasts. These cells exhibited similar morphological and molecular features to NPCs in vitro, were capable of differentiating into neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, and could generate long-term expandable neurospheres while maintaining differentiation capability. When engrafted into hippocampus of adult rat brain, the 3D sphere cells differentiated into neural cells. Thus, NPCs can be generated from fibroblasts directly through a physical approach without introducing exogenous reprogramming factors.


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