
2013-06-09 青楚 医学论坛网

  美国学者的一项研究表明,即使没有支持社区获得性肺炎(CAP)的慎重抗菌药处方的正式抗菌药物管理工作计划,质量改进(QI)方法也能迅速改善对国家指南的依从性。 相关论文发表于《儿科》杂志。  相关论文发表于   该研究纳入美国辛辛那提儿童医院医学中心的CAP患儿,使用QI方法来快速实现儿科传染病学会/美国传染病学会指南建议的合理一线抗菌药物治疗。QI干预集中在4个关键点,并

  美国学者的一项研究表明,即使没有支持社区获得性肺炎(CAP)的慎重抗菌药处方的正式抗菌药物管理工作计划,质量改进(QI)方法也能迅速改善对国家指南的依从性。 相关论文发表于《儿科》杂志。  相关论文发表于



Quality improvement methods increase appropriate antibiotic prescribing for childhood pneumonia
In August 2011, the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society and Infectious Disease Society of America published an evidence-based guideline for the management of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in children ≥3 months. Our objective was to evaluate if quality improvement (QI) methods could improve appropriate antibiotic prescribing in a setting without a formal antimicrobial stewardship program.
At a tertiary children’s hospital, QI methods were used to rapidly implement the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society/Infectious Disease Society of America guideline recommendations for appropriate first-line antibiotic therapy in children with CAP. QI interventions focused on 4 key drivers and were tested separately in the emergency department and on the hospital medicine resident teams, using multiple plan-do-study-act cycles. Medical records of eligible patients were reviewed weekly to determine the success of prescribing recommended antibiotic therapy. The impact of these interventions on our outcome was tracked over time on run charts.
Appropriate first-line antibiotic prescribing for children admitted with the diagnosis of CAP increased in the emergency department from a median baseline of 0% to 100% and on the hospital medicine resident teams from 30% to 100% within 6 months of introducing the guidelines locally at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and has been sustained for 3 months.
Our study demonstrates that QI methods can rapidly improve adherence to national guidelines even in settings without a formal antimicrobial stewardship program to encourage judicious antibiotic prescribing for CAP.


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  为有效预防、诊治婴幼儿及儿童社区获得性肺炎(CAP),儿科感染性疾病学会(PIDS)和美国感染性疾病学会(IDSA)共同出台了其首个婴幼儿及儿童CAP诊治指南。整部指南共涉及诊断、治疗、预防等20个方面、92条推荐意见。该指南8月30日在线发布于《临床感染性疾病杂志》(Clin Infect Dis)。   现将其中有关何种患儿须住院治疗、门诊CAP可疑患儿应接受何种检查


Fig 1Cumulative incidence of death (%) within 90 days in participants with community acquired pneumonia stratified by serum glucose levels on admission overall (n=6016) (top) and without diabetes (n=5

Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med:诊断儿童肺炎 即时超声比听诊更准确

       《儿科学与青少年疾病文献集》在线发表了芒特西奈(位于纽约的医学中心)研究人员的一篇文章,名为“即时超声检查对儿童和年轻人肺炎诊断的评估前景”。文中指出即时超声检查比经典的听诊器听诊对诊断儿童和年轻人肺炎更为准确,甚至可以发现胸部X线片漏诊的轻微肺炎。          肺炎是全球儿童死