
2012-05-19 蓝建中 新华网

日本京都大学一个研究小组日前说,他们通过动物实验发现,比起饮食疗法,运动疗法对改善阿尔茨海默氏症的记忆障碍更加有效。相关论文已经刊登在新一期《生物化学杂志》上。 阿尔茨海默氏症又称早老性痴呆症,临床症状为认知、记忆和语言功能障碍等。被认为是β淀粉样蛋白在脑内蓄积引起的,这与高脂肪食物有一定关联。 研究小组通过基因操作获得患有阿尔茨海默氏症的实验鼠,并让它们记住在水槽中游泳的路径,然后连续5个月








Exercise is more effective than diet control in preventing high fat diet-induced β-amyloid deposition and memory deficit in amyloid precursor protein transgenic mice

Masato Maesako1, Kengo Uemura2, Masakazu Kubota2, Akira Kuzuya2, Kazuki Sasaki2, Naoko Hayashida2, Megumi Asada-Utsugi2, Kiwamu Watanabe2, Maiko Uemura2, Takeshi Kihara2, Ryosuke Takahashi3, Shun Shimohama4 and Ayae Kinoshita

Accumulating evidence suggests that some dietary patterns, specifically high fat diet (HFD), increase the risk of developing sporadic Alzheimer disease (AD). Thus, interventions targeting HFD-induced metabolic dysfunctions may be effective in preventing the development of AD. We previously demonstrated that amyloid precursor protein (APP)-overexpressing transgenic mice fed HFD showed worsening of cognitive function compared to control APP mice on normal diet. Moreover, we reported that voluntary exercise ameliorates HFD-induced memory impairment and β-amyloid (Aβ) deposition. In the present study, we conducted diet control to ameliorate the metabolic abnormality caused by HFD on APP transgenic mice and compared the effect of diet control on cognitive function to that of voluntary exercise as well as that of combined (diet control plus exercise) treatment. Surprisingly, we found that exercise was more effective than diet control, although both exercise and diet control ameliorated HFD-induced memory deficit and Aβ deposition. The production of Aβ was not different between the exercise- and the diet control-treated mice. On the other hand, exercise specifically strengthened the activity of neprilysin, the Aβ degrading enzyme, the level of which was significantly correlated with that of deposited Aβ in our mice. Notably, the effect of the combination treatment (exercise and diet control) on memory and amyloid pathology was not significantly different from that of exercise alone. These studies provide solid evidence that exercise is a useful intervention to rescue HFD-induced aggravation of cognitive decline in transgenic model mice of AD.




Nat Rev Drug Discovery:RXR拮抗剂逆转阿尔茨海默氏症

近日,国际评论杂志Nature Reviews Drug Discovery上刊登的一篇文章揭示了RXR拮抗剂可以逆转阿尔茨海默氏症。淀粉体-β(Aβ)在大脑中的积聚被视为导致阿尔茨海默氏症(AD)的一系列事件的开始。然而,目标在于减少Aβ产生或聚集的治疗方法到目前为止都不成功。如今,据《科学》杂志报道,Cramer和同事证明,一种维甲酸X受体(RXR)拮抗剂能够迅速刺激Aβ清除,改善AD小鼠模型