Brain Connect:自闭症风险基因与大脑结构差异有关

2012-03-31 MedSci MedSci原创

健康人自闭症风险增加与基因变异有关,他们的大脑结构与常人有差异,这可能有助于解释基因如何影响大脑功能、增加自闭症的可能性。这项创新的脑成像研究结果发表在Brain Connectivity杂志上,杂志由Mary Ann Liebert公司出版,为双月刊。该文章已在Brain Connectivity杂志网站上供免费在线阅读。 威斯康星州医学院行政助理教授Christopher Pawel

健康人自闭症风险增加与基因变异有关,他们的大脑结构与常人有差异,这可能有助于解释基因如何影响大脑功能、增加自闭症的可能性。这项创新的脑成像研究结果发表在Brain Connectivity杂志上,杂志由Mary Ann Liebert公司出版,为双月刊。该文章已在Brain Connectivity杂志网站上供免费在线阅读。

威斯康星州医学院行政助理教授Christopher Pawela博士说:该研究表明特定的基因变异与大脑结构的变化之间有联系,这项工作可能会催生基因对大脑区域之间的沟通的影响成为研究热点。


Emily Dennis和加州大学洛杉矶分校医学院和、州大学洛杉矶分校和昆士兰大学和昆士兰医学研究所研究人员合作,采用了先进的成像技术主要针对大脑健康的携带CNTNAP2的年轻人展开研究

Altered Structural Brain Connectivity in Healthy Carriers of the Autism Risk Gene, CNTNAP2.

Emily Larson Dennis, Neda Jahanshad, Jeffrey D Rudie, Jesse A Brown, Kori Johnson, Katie McMahon, Greig de Zubicaray, Grant Montgomery, Nicholas Martin, Margaret Wright, Susan Bookheimer, Mirella Dapretto, Arthur Toga, Paul Thompson

Recently, carriers of a common variant in the autism risk gene, CNTNAP2, were found to have altered functional brain connectivity using functional MRI. Here we scanned 328 young adults with high-field (4-Tesla) diffusion imaging, to test the hypothesis that carriers of this gene variant would have altered structural brain connectivity. All participants (209 females, 119 males, age: 23.4 +/-2.17 SD years) were scanned with 105-gradient high angular diffusion imaging (HARDI) at 4 Tesla. After performing a whole-brain fiber tractography using the full angular resolution of the diffusion scans, 70 cortical surface-based regions of interest were created from each individual’s co-registered anatomical data to compute graph metrics for all pairs of cortical regions. In graph theory analyses, subjects homozygous for the risk allele (CC) had lower characteristic path length, greater small-worldness and global efficiency in whole brain analyses, as well as greater eccentricity (maximum path length) in 60 of 70 nodes in regional analyses. These results were not reducible to differences in more commonly studied traits such as fiber density or fractional anisotropy. This is the first study to link graph theory metrics of brain structural connectivity to a common genetic variant linked with autism and will help us understand the neurobiology of circuits implicated in risk for autism.





美国研究人员11月8日公布的一项小型研究结果显示,与普通儿童相比,自闭症患儿大脑前额叶皮层的神经元数量过多。这项发现有助理解自闭症的病因。   前额叶皮层是大脑中最重要的区域之一,参与人体的语言、交流、社会行为、情绪以及注意力等高级功能。自闭症患儿的这些高级功能通常有所欠缺。   美国加利福尼亚州圣迭戈大学的研究人员对7名自闭症患儿及6名普通男孩的前额叶皮层进行了检查,

Faseb J:美发现自闭症新生物标志物

近期,南佛罗里达大学精神病学系和Silver 儿童发展中心的研究小组在《美国实验生物学学会联合会杂志》上发表研究报告"Aberrant T-lymphocyte development and function in mice overexpressing human soluble amyloid precursor protein-α: implications for autism"称:与泛