阿斯利康启动哮喘生物药tralokinumab III期项目

2014-08-18 佚名 生物谷

近两天,阿斯利康对抗辉瑞1170亿美元收购再添2枚利器。昨日,阿斯利康宣布12.6亿痛风药物lesinurad III期项目获得成功,而今日,阿斯利康又启动哮喘生物药tralokinumab III期临床项目,该项目的启动是基于IIb期研究的喜人结果。目前,数个制药巨头均在竞相开发生物哮喘药,用于对传统吸入性药物反应不佳的严重哮喘群体,业界认为,在未来,生物哮喘药市场每年的销售额将突破75亿美

近两天,阿斯利康对抗辉瑞1170亿美元收购再添2枚利器。昨日,阿斯利康宣布12.6亿痛风药物lesinurad III期项目获得成功,而今日,阿斯利康又启动哮喘生物药tralokinumab III期临床项目,该项目的启动是基于IIb期研究的喜人结果。目前,数个制药巨头均在竞相开发生物哮喘药,用于对传统吸入性药物反应不佳的严重哮喘群体,业界认为,在未来,生物哮喘药市场每年的销售额将突破75亿美元。

tralokunumab III期临床项目,将调查该药用于严重控制不佳的哮喘(asthma)的治疗。tralokinumab由阿斯利康全球生物制品研发部门MedImmune研发。III期项目的启动,是基于今年5月一项IIb期研究的可喜成果,相关结果已提交至2014年美国胸科学会(ATS)国际会议




英文原文:AstraZeneca advances tralokinumab to Phase III in severe asthma

AstraZeneca today announced the start of the Phase III programme for tralokinumab, a potential treatment for patients with severe, inadequately controlled asthma, developed by MedImmune, the company’s global biologics research and development arm.

The Phase III programme will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of tralokinumab in reducing the rate of asthma exacerbations (AER) in adults and adolescents with severe, inadequately controlled asthma despite receiving inhaled corticosteroids plus long-acting β2-agonist. The programme will also assess the effect of tralokinumab on lung function, patient-reported asthma symptoms and quality of life, as well as investigate whether potential clinical biomarkers could identify patients who are more likely to respond to tralokinumab.

Tralokinumab is an investigational human monoclonal antibody which potently and selectively neutralises interleukin-13 (IL-13). IL-13 is a key cytokine that is believed to contribute to the onset of severe and frequent asthma attacks, impaired lung function and other debilitating asthma symptoms by driving inflammation, airway hyper-responsiveness and excessive mucus production.

“We are pleased to begin the tralokinumab Phase III programme in severe asthma, further strengthening the breadth of our portfolio in respiratory disease, one of AstraZeneca’s core therapy areas,” said Bill Mezzanotte, Vice President and Head of Inflammation, Neuroscience and Respiratory in AstraZeneca’s Global Medicines Development unit. “Patients with severe asthma currently have limited treatment options and need more effective therapies to control their disease. The development of tralokinumab underscores our commitment to a personalised treatment approach for these patients, to improve their lives. Severe asthma is highly heterogeneous; we are working to better understand patient subtypes, identify potential biomarkers, and tailor therapies to cellular and molecular phenotypes to achieve the best clinical outcomes.”

Initiation of the Phase III programme is based on results from a Phase IIb study conducted by MedImmune. Results from that study were presented at the 2014 American Thoracic Society (ATS) International Conference in San Diego, California in May.

The efficacy and safety of tralokinumab is also being investigated in an ongoing Phase II study in patients with mild-to-moderate idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) over a 72-week treatment period.


About tralokinumab

Tralokinumab is a human IgG4 monoclonal antibody that targets IL-13, a key cytokine that is believed to play a key role in the pathogenesis of asthma through the promotion of inflammation, airway hyper-responsiveness, mucus hyper-secretion, airway remodeling via fibrosis, increased IgE synthesis and mast cell activation.


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