PLoS ONE:啤酒花中异戊烯基黄酮类有助遏制肌肉萎缩

2012-09-27 蓝建中 新华社

日本德岛大学研究生院的研究小组在最新一期美国PLoS ONE上发表报告说,他们通过实验发现,啤酒原料啤酒花中含有丰富的异戊烯基黄酮类化合物,这种物质有遏制肌肉萎缩的作用,今后有望利用这种物质开发药物和特制食品。 研究小组介绍说,他们利用腿部麻痹的实验鼠进行实验,一组实验鼠用混有1克干燥啤酒花粉末的食物喂食两周,另一组只喂一般食物,结果发现前一组实验鼠的肌肉萎缩症状受到遏制。 研究小组解释说,这

日本德岛大学研究生院的研究小组在最新一期美国PLoS ONE上发表报告说,他们通过实验发现,啤酒原料啤酒花中含有丰富的异戊烯基黄酮类化合物,这种物质有遏制肌肉萎缩的作用,今后有望利用这种物质开发药物和特制食品。





Prevention of Disuse Muscle Atrophy by Dietary Ingestion of 8-Prenylnaringenin in Denervated Mice

Rie Mukai1, Hitomi Horikawa1, Yutaka Fujikura1, Tomoyuki Kawamura2, Hisao Nemoto2, Takeshi Nikawa3, Junji Terao1*

Flavonoids have attracted considerable attention in relation to their effects upon health. 8-Prenylnaringenin (8-PN) is found in the common hop (Humulus lupulus) and assumed to be responsible for the health impact of beer consumption. We wanted to clarify the effects of prenylation on the physiological functions of dietary flavonoids by comparing the effects of 8-PN with that of intact naringenin in the prevention of disuse muscle atrophy using a model of denervation in mice. Consumption of 8-PN (but not naringenin) prevented loss of weight in the gastrocnemius muscle further supported by the lack of induction of the protein content of a key ubiquitin ligase involved in muscle atrophy, atrogin-1, and by the activation of Akt phosphorylation. 8-PN content in the gastrocnemius muscle was tenfold higher than that of naringenin. These results suggested that, compared with naringenin, 8-PN was effectively concentrated into skeletal muscle to exert its preventive effects upon disuse muscle atrophy. It is likely that prenylation generates novel functions for 8-PN by enhancing its accumulation into muscle tissue through dietary intake.


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